Latest data from Israel and the UK on covid vaccine effectiveness.
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EXCERPTS FROM THE CONCLUSIONS in ARTICLE on Data from Israel and the UK: Published : July 23, 2021 (upd.)
“In the UK , which has primarily used the AstraZeneca DNA adenovector vaccine, the latest estimate by researchers at University College London indicates an effectiveness against infection of close to zero percent and an effectiveness against severe disease of about 60% . In very senior citizens, the effectiveness against severe disease may be even lower (due to a weaker immune response).”
“The Israeli data shown above indicates that effectiveness against infection and mild symptoms decreases rapidly over time and reaches near-zero levels after about half a year. Most likely, this is because covid vaccines do not achieve mucosal immunity (in contrast to natural infection) and serum antibody levels (ie antibodies in the blood) decrease within months .
“Thus, the false promise of very high protection against “symptomatic infection”, found during official vaccine trials, was simply based on very high short-term serum antibody levels mimicking mucosal immunity. The pharmaceutical companies probably even knew that this was just a (very lucrative) “flash in the pan” and not a lasting protective effect.”
“Thus, vaccine protection even against severe disease will likely further decrease due to new variants , or, in the very worst case, will turn into antibody-dependent disease enhancement (ADE), if high levels of non-neutralizing antibodies aggravate the infection. Indeed, this is what happened in the case of vaccines against SARS-1 and dengue fever.”
“However, there is a very real risk that additional vaccinations, which inject or induce the coronavirus spike protein, could substantially increase the risk of serious cardiovascular and neurological adverse events , such as strokes, GBS and heart muscle inflammation. Globally, covid vaccines may already have killed tens of thousands of people . Alternatives include safer oral vaccine candidates or medically supervised, low-dose oral live virus challenges in low-risk people.”
“Furthermore, the millions of people who were told that vaccination will protect them against a coronavirus infection will soon have to realize (once again) that this is not the case: instead, most of them will get infected anyway. On the positive side, this may actually provide additional mucosal immunity to large parts of the population (while being mostly protected against severe disease.)”
“Indeed, data from Israel as well as recent studies all indicate that a previous coronavirus infection continues to offer the best protection against future infections and disease.”
…”Thus, the whole idea of “vaccination certificates” has become obsolete – at least from a medical and epidemiological perspective – and should be rejected: the claim that it’s just “the unvaccinated” that are driving outbreaks – a claim made by many authorities – is simply false.”
“For instance, just this week (published : July 23, 2021) an “fully vaccinated” Australian managed to pre-symptomatically infect about 60 people at a party in the United States. Many similar stories have already been reported in Europe and Israel : fully vaccinated people can easily transmit the virus even to large groups. Hence, imposing “vaccination certificates” or “green passes” may only serve a political purpose .”
“Given the current situation and outlook, it may once again be emphasized that research and implementation of early treatment options for high-risk patients – especially anti-viral, anti-inflammatory (immuno-modulatory) and anti-thrombotic treatment – should be a top priority.”
See also : Covid Vaccine Injuries (Telegram Web, 18+)