General News, Media, Vaccine News

Investigative Corona Committee Germany

as referenced by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in the “STOP the SHOT” event of August 4, 2021, brought to you by Truth for Health Foundation

Corona Committee Foundation (

Since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee Foundation (Germany) has been investigating in live sessions lasting several hours why the federal and state governments have imposed unprecedented restrictions in the context of the coronavirus event and what consequences these have had and are having for the people.

There are ~ 50 sessions available for viewing via the website above.

Here we present the sessions pertaining to the Advisors to the Truth for Health Foundation:

Dr. Peter McCullough, June 11, 2021: watch here
(~48 min, BitChute)

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, June 14, 2021: watch here
(~ 1 hr, BitChute)

Dr. Michael Yeadon, November 22, 2020: watch here
(~3 hr, 45 min, BitChute)

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