MY Story

Since this time my body has been in a crisis response

August 9, 2021 (Anonymous, Auckland, New Zealand)

I received a COVID Pfizer ‘vaccine’ # 1 on Friday, May 28 at my local Health Centre here on Great Barrier Island, New Zealand. I had a little bit of a sore arm on day 2-3 then this went away. About a week later I started feeling unwell – like I was coming down with a flu, my head felt heavy and brain felt rather foggy. I took panadol extra for the headaches as I would normally do.

On Tuesday June 8th I did not feel well in the morning and had trouble concentrating. I was teaching a class online that morning for x 2 hours and had to focus really hard to keep things together. After just over an hour I lost awareness of what I was supposed to be doing and where I was in the schedule despite clearly written notes.
My trainer colleague (in the USA) took over for the rest of the session then stayed online with me while she coached me to call for medical help. She was very concerned and thought perhaps I was having a stroke or something similar as I had already mentioned to her the day before I was not feeling well and thought it was a reaction to the vaccine.

I apparently rang our local medical centre 3 times and it was 1.5 hrs later that help arrived at around 3.15 to 3.30pm – my colleague had remained online with me until the nurse arrived. I have no idea why I didnt call 111- our emergency call out no – possibly because I had no idea what was going on.I was apparently lucid but very confused and kept repeating the same questions over and over and my pulse was racing. I was driven by a nurse to our local medical centre.
My blood pressure was erratic and went very high (200 over 165 at one point) and I was evacuated by Westpac helicopter to Auckland Hospital at around 4.30pm that afternoon.

While in the Emergency department I was sent for various tests eg. ECG’s, CT Scan, blood tests etc and my blood pressure was monitored for many hours. I was given medication through a lure in my Rt arm to lower my high blood pressure and for an ensuing migraine headache later on. My blood pressure continued to be monitored regularly and I was kept in overnight for observation then released the following morning.

My memory and capacity to function in a limited way started returning around 8.45pm on the day, but the rest of the day was a total mystery to me. I knew who I was and where I was, but lost all sense of time day etc. I have no recollection of any of this period of time other than a handful of very fleeting images as if I was in a deep dream state.

I spoke to the neurologist who told me that all my tests were clear and they believed I had an unexplained TGA episode (Transient Global Amnesia). I requested she write on my notes that I was querying an adverse vaccine reaction as I have had a history of immune issues for many years and a sensitive nervous system as a result.

I was diagnosed with ME/CFS in 1986 then this progressed into Fibromyalgia and chronic Migraine headaches in the 1990’s. The migraine headaches subsided considerably over time and after menopause although they occasionally reoccurred after. I finally got a diagnosis of Post- Lyme disease from a blood test in UK in July 2019, which helped me greatly to make sense of my symptoms which often presented a confusing picture as so many of my previous tests (bloods, etc.) were ‘normal’. I have looked after myself and learned how to keep myself well over these many years using complementary health support, natural remedies, integrated therapies, and diet.

At the time this ‘vaccine’ injury happened I was feeling in a relatively strong and healthy place and had been for some months, however it now feels as if my body has been thrown back into chaos to a place of vulnerability and high sensitivity – where I was many years ago.
For many days after the TGA episode I felt confused and was unable to remember much going back several days before the episode but was able to start piecing things together by talking with those who were involved with me at this time. I felt like my head was in a box and disconnected from my body, and after a few days, more headaches kicked in and I felt as if I had a tight band around my head and my eyes and vision felt strange. I was extremely fatigued, couldn’t think straight and had brain fog for days but this slowly improved with homeopathic treatment protocols.

However, since this time my body has been in a crisis response – my nervous system is on overload so I am often feeling shaky and vulnerable as if the slightest thing could throw my body into a reaction of some kind. I have been experiencing extensive body pain, chronic muscle inflammation, migraines every 2-3 days that last for 2-3 days, temperature fluctuations, heart palpitations and chronic fatigue all of which comes and goes so I have bad, not so good and better days. This is an extreme version of mostly familiar symptoms which I had largely under control before the vaccination, after a lot of attention to getting and staying as well as possible through careful management over many years.

Once I felt strong enough after a couple of weeks- I had the interesting experience of being able to watch myself literally ‘loose it’ online through watching the recording of my teaching zoom session on the morning of June 8th. I am still amazed given the circumstances I was able to actually hold things together as well and as long as I did- it’s much more obvious how confused I must have been feeling because I can see it ! This was very enlightening as it helped me to piece together the event and remember a few more moments and images of the actual day itself.

I have since been able to resume light work duties online, with the support of my team members. I am resting when I need to and taking care of myself using natural medicines and therapies for support and headache medication (panadol/ibuprofen/voltaren) as required for pain so I can function during the day, as well as rest and sleep adequately.

I am fortunate to have professional help on hand but this has so far cost me around $900 in healthcare and wellness support over the last 7 weeks – which is unsustainable for much longer without going into more debt.

I would like recognition and validation of my Treatment injury as I have no doubt this has been the cause of my recent health crisis. So, I would like to request some avenue for better medical and financial support from the NZ government – especially costs towards my ongoing treatment plan if this is available through ACC or some other avenue. I have lodged an ACC claim with my local GP and am waiting for approval. My local health centre team have been as kind, caring, available and supportive as they can be – while keeping things very ‘low key’ as they continue to roll out the vaccination program. I was initially invited to rebook for my second ‘vaccination’ but needless to say declined the offer.

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