MY Story

We have to stop this madness and FIGHT as our lives depend on it!

August 16, 2021
Anonymous (Champlin, MN, USA)

My 18 year old daughter was going to an out of state college as a freshman fall 21. She is not vaccinated. We did not send her there as this college was going to swab her nose twice a week and then quarantine her in a hotel for 10-14 days in a foreign town. And she would be contact-traced and isolated in a hotel over and over again, if (exposed) by a COVID-positive person. She can’t get the vaccine due to medical exemptions, but now I hear this is only for kids under 18. She stayed in Minnesota (MN) to go to U of MN, who just decided to ‘require’ vaccine 8/9/21, when COVID vaccine is FDA approved, which is to be very soon. We have to stop this madness and FIGHT as our lives depend on it!

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