Medicine and Ministry United

A resource to inspire and uplift you, from The Truth for Health Foundation Medicine and Ministry Team

We encourage you to watch: Before The Wrath

For over 2,000 years Christians have been awaiting the return of Jesus Christ. As recorded in John, chapter 14, verse 13, Jesus promised, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also”.  While there is still much debate over the timing of Christ’s return, recently researchers in the Middle-East have rediscovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of Christ that reveals exactly how and why the Rapture (snatching away) of Christians must occur before His return… and it can all be understood through the traditions of a Galilean wedding!

Before the Wrath will take you on a fascinating journey into the wedding traditions in the day Christ walked the earth. He used these traditions to help prepare the disciples to for His death, resurrection, and future. Our LORD gave us sweet promises and a way to understand them through this amazing ceremonial event. The truth For Health Foundation team hopes you find this documentary as encouraging as we do!  We urge you to take time to watch this with family and friends. It is available for purchase or rent from your usual resources for video programs.

…. waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ! -Titus 2:13

The Truth for Health Foundation Medicine and Ministry Team

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