Treatment Guides

COVID Home Treatment


PATIENT GUIDE TO EARLY COVID TREATMENT~ Options to Help You Stay Out of Hospital… and Save Your Life!

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Consulting Editor/Co-Author and Senior Medical Advisor Truth for Health Foundation:

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, FACC, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA. Internist, Cardiologist, and Epidemiologist,
President, Cardiorenal Society of America
Creator and Host: The McCullough Report, on
America Out Loud Talk Radio

Editor and Co-Author:

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD. Preventive and Climacteric Medicine, Vive! Life Center, Tucson AZ and Dallas TX. Founding Director and President/CEO, Truth for Health Foundation. Past Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Co-Host Voice of A Nation Radio show on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Creator and Host, Truth for Health, Radio Show

Contributors, TeleMedicine Services, Medical and Advocacy Resources, – see list in Appendix.


INTRODUCTION: Your Road Map to Use of This Guide and The Four Pillars of Pandemic Response

FACT SHEET 1:  What Is SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus and COVID-19 Illness?

FACT SHEET 2: What Are Symptoms of COVID-19, and What Should I Do? Includes symptom questionnaire and treatment tracking form.

FACT SHEET 3: Physicians Guide to Early Home Treatment. Includes Algorithm for combination therapy with Rx medications and nutraceuticals.

FACT SHEET 4: Prevention and Other Treatment Options

FACT SHEET 5: Experimental COVID Vaccines: Update on Safety

APPENDIX: Medical Resources and Contributors


Step 1:

Understand the illness, and who is at risk. COVID is a mild illness for healthy people under age 50. COVID can be unpredictable and dangerous only for a very small population – particularly those over 50 who have serious comorbidities.  Go to FACT SHEET 1.

Step 2:

Before you decide to take an experimental genetic “Covid shots,” our expert physicians and scientists suggest you read our Patient Guide FACT SHEETS 1-4 to make an informed decision. For updates on “the COVID shot,” go to FACT SHEET 5.

Step 3:

If you are healthy and younger than age 50, without medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, lung or kidney disease, cancer, autoimmune disorders, we suggest focus on GENERAL PREVENTION STRATEGIES. Go to FACT SHEET 2.

Step 4:

Before getting sick, read about COVID EARLY HOME-BASED TREATMENT options to help reduce your risk of going to hospital. At the first onset of any COVID symptoms, go to FACT SHEET 2 for symptoms and immediate home care steps.

Then go to FACT SHEET 3 assess your immediate options to start treatment at home. If your doctor does not treat COVID, contact a TeleMedicine service in APPENDIX.

Step 5:

If you are at high risk for COVID based on your age, medical conditions, or occupation, we suggest COVID-SPECIFIC PREVENTION options. Go to FACT SHEET 4.

Disclaimer: This booklet does not provide individual medical advice or prescribe treatment but is provided as an educational service for patients and their families to know what options are available and widely used for many conditions. Patients should consult the physicians of their choice for individual medical evaluation and recommendations for treatment tailored to individual needs.

Disclosures: Physicians contributing to this guide for patients are actively treating COVID patients based on the best available medical evidence, and are focused on early, home-based delivery of medical treatment options unless critical care in hospital is determined to be urgently needed.   Contributors to this guide have no financial ties with any pharmaceutical company or product suggested in the treatment algorithms. All contributors have volunteered their time and expertise as a community service in this pandemic emergency to help inform patients of their options for research-based, peer-reviewed, safe treatments. They have received no remuneration. The opinions expressed in this guide are those of the physician contributors and not those of their institutions listed.

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