Podcast Originally Aired on America Out Loud
Stooping to new lows of sadistic and cruel treatment of our military service members who exercise their constitutional right to a religious exemption for the experimental COVID shot, DrLee4America interviews a Navy Commander sharing the tragic story of the abuse of an experienced navy diver and exemplary service member being denied the religious exemption and threatened with loss of medical benefits for his critically ill newborn baby unless he gave into the coercion and took the shot.
When he continued to exercise his rights to object to the experimental shot, he was served with termination papers while his baby was still in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The level of cruelty and sadistic punishment towards service members and their families and innocent children has reached what we would expect from North Korea, Iran, Communist China, or Venezuela…not the US Military in the United States of America.
Today, our guest is Navy Commander Robert Green Jr, who began his service in the Navy in 2003 and has had an exemplary career with multiple deployments, unit citations, and awards. He has completed highly technical postgraduate education programs at multiple academic institutions and leveraged that education to initiate data analytics efforts at several major Navy commands. His most recent position was as the Executive Officer of Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron EIGHT, a unit of about 650 service members. He was fired from this position, despite outstanding service, simply because he requested the religious accommodation for the COVID shot.
The US Military is OUR last line of defense against tyranny. We must stand in the gap to defend the abuses of our military service members’ human and civil rights guaranteed under the US Constitution.
Get involved, GET LOUD, learn what you need to do to help save our Constitutional Republic.
Truth For Health…The Rest of the Story can be heard every Saturday at 10 AM ET and an encore at 6 PM. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on Apple, Android, or Alexa. All episodes can also be heard on podcast networks worldwide by Monday each week.
Image: AP