Originally Aired at America Out Loud
Russia-Ukraine – Viewpoint will take a contrarian view of the Biden narrative this week. We’ll dive into information from an overseas perspective, and discuss the bioweapons labs’ connection. Pentagon-funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine go back to 2004 under the Obama administration with these labs being in several countries on Russia’s borders. Ask yourself the following questions:
How do we trust a government that denies these labs are there when the same government agencies have been lying to us throughout the entire pandemic? We know the DARPA and the US-funded gain of function research at UNC and Wuhan China ⏤ was Ukraine next on that list? Is Russian President Vladimir Putin out to destroy the bioweapon labs on his border? Is the constant focus on Russia-Ukraine providing cover for the administration to carry out the planned destruction of America and our own military?
DrLee4America and Attorney Todd Callender discuss the Ukraine war as a potential cover for the destruction of America’s military with the vaccine damage and purging of our military, the destruction of America’s energy, and our freedom on all fronts. In the second segment of Viewpoint, Pastor Sam Rohrer, Attorney Todd Callender, and physician DrLee4America discuss the Biblical, legal and medical perspectives of the multi-pronged assault on our Republic.
How do we discern truth? Where can we turn for accurate trusted information?
What messages can we give people to help them cope with assaults from all directions?
The guest host this week is DrLee4America. independent physician and President/CEO of Truth For Health Foundation and host of Truth for Health…The Rest of the Story on America Out Loud.
International Attorney Todd Callender, founder of Disabled Rights Advocates international law firm specializing in disability, civil rights, and military law. Todd has spent most of his years as an attorney living and working outside the United States, which brings a wealth of experience in other countries to his perspective on today’s world events. Todd is also CEO of Cotswold Group, an international insurance group, and also has earlier business experience in the development of medical devices used in vaccine delivery as part of programs approved by the US State Department. Todd is the attorney of record for the first Department of Defense lawsuit, filed August 2021, to defend the Constitutional rights of US Military Service members, and his firm has represented several hundred military service members seeking medical and religious exemptions from the mandated experimental COVID shots.
Pastor Sam Rohrer, currently President of the American Pastors Network, is a former businessman, former Pennsylvania state legislator who was known for his strong support of Constitutional principles and whose areas of legislative interest included economics, taxes, budget policies and education. He and his wife homeschooled their six children for 25 years and are strong advocates for life and traditional family values. Pastor Sam is a regular guest on national radio and TV, speaking on a wide range of public policy issues including immigration, marriage, the Constitution, and the importance of a Judeo-Christian worldview to maintain our Republic. Pastor Rohrer is the host of the daily radio show, Stand in the Gap Today, heard on over 425 stations; and the weekly Stand in the Gap TV Show, as well as Stand in the Gap Weekend.