Originally aired on America Out Loud
Three commercial airline pilots with more than 50,000 flight hours combined ⏤ sound the alarm to the flying public about the medical complications happening to pilots after the experimental COVID shots. Their stories of medical problems pilots describe are chilling, particularly after a number of recent near-catastrophes with incapacitated pilots that only God’s Hand saved the lives of those on board.
The qualifications of the guest pilots interviewed are impressive, as described below. Once again, we see the dangerous policies of firing such experienced Flight Captains over a political agenda to mandate an experimental COVID shot in violation of all current FAA regulations prohibiting pilots from being cleared to fly after receiving experimental medical treatments.
- Captain Glen Waters, terminated on his 20th anniversary, had been a Commercial Pilot and Flight Instructor since he was 18 years old with 34 years in professional aviation, the last 19 years as airline Captain, and a Training Captain since 2007. He was a Grade One Flight instructor and Manager of Flight Standards in Regional Airlines and an approved Testing Officer for the Civil Aviation Safety Authority with over 12,000 hours of jet command.
- Captain Alan Dana Started flying in 1988 and has accumulated 23,000 flight hours; recently fired after 14 years at JetStar – the low-cost airline owned by Qantas Australia, for not complying with the vaccine mandate. Before this, he was flying for British Airways, based in London. Much of his training was completed in Aurora, Illinois, before working as an instructor and charter pilot in Palm Beach, Florida, and then flying in the Caribbean. He holds the FAA, British and Australian Airline Pilot licenses and also holds an FAA Accident Prevention Councillor designation.
- First Officer Alan Hennessey served as an officer in the Royal Australian Air Force and as a Qantas pilot. In his 45 years in military service, he worked as an air traffic controller until he was selected for pilot training in 1979. After graduation, he flew the P3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft and later the C130H transports, serving as one of his Squadron’s Flight Commanders. Alan also concurrently served for several years as a New South Wales police officer and brings a unique perspective to this program.
For more on the serious threats to public safety, please read the letter below to the US FAA from physicians (military and civilian) and attorneys who describe the risks pilots face from the experimental COVID shots and the dangers to the flying public.
The US Government’s cover-up of these threats to public safety should make all of us think twice about continuing to pay to support airlines that violate normal FAA regulations to follow a political agenda that has already cost lives.