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When There Is No More Integrity Left

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(10/20/22) What should we as a society do when there is no more integrity left in the current medical establishment? I ask this question because today’s unanimous vote of 15-0 recommending the addition of the COVID mRNA injections to the childhood immunization schedule by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) revealed this to be the case (1).

In essence, the adding of a “vaccination” to the childhood immunization schedule grants the pharmaceutical manufacturers complete protection from any liability for vaccine injury or death according to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (2). Big Pharma will continue to rake in billions of dollars without any accountability for its contribution to this genocide.

In the days prior to the committee meetings, there was great fervor for sending in public comments in order to voice the concerns for adding these injections to the schedule given so many harms and risks absent proven benefits. I knew, though, that this was only a formality. The vote had already been determined. After all, lawlessness has become the rule of the land, and the ethics of medicine has vanished.

I did consider, though, that a personal email to one of the ACIP members might be of value, if one has “ears to hear.” When I reviewed the list of members, I surprisingly recognized the name of an attending physician during my training as a resident. I decided to email this individual whom I remembered as a person of faith and one who practiced medicine with integrity.

Email to ACIP Member

A portion of what I wrote:

I came across your email when investigating which of the members of the ACIP to contact directly regarding the consideration of incorporating the COVID mRNA injections into the immunization schedule.

Given the following:

These “vaccines” never met the true definition of a vaccine.

These products do not prevent transmission or severity of disease.

Children were never at risk of severe COVID.

The trials revealed no benefit and only harm. 

There is a temporal correlation with these injections and sudden death in the youth and young adults.

The injections have shown negative efficacy over time. 

There is no medical indication for these products to be on the market, let alone on the immunization schedule.

They remain EUA.

I ask that these injections not be placed on the immunization schedule.

For the past couple of years I have been writing on bioethical issues, with a great focus on the attacks on our children and the harms of these injections.

I hope you have a moment to read my latest post (and many others that are well-referenced):

May the Holy Spirit guide you and God grant you wisdom.



I do not know if my former attending had a chance to read my message prior to the vote. Either way, I did not receive any response and am deeply saddened by the scarcity of virtuous hearts.

The Impact

According to Dr. Nirav Shah, an ACIP member:

“Adding the COVID-19 vaccine to the recommended childhood immunization schedule does not constitute a requirement that any child receive the vaccine (1).”

In other words, we are not “mandating” this; but take a look at the following trending meme and explain the irony.

Am I surprised by the fraud? No.

Am I surprised that there was not one dissenting voice? No

Did I foresee this happening? Yes

After all, courage is absent in the faint of heart. 

The scientists and experts promoting these products have proven that they no longer have any interest in dialogue, safety signals, or the dignity of humanity.

In reading the Revelation of John, chapter 3, the following verses reverberate in my mind:

“I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (15-16) May God grant us His mercy.

My initial suggestions:

– Visit Truth for Health Foundation, an organization defending life, human dignity, and medical freedom (3).

– Follow the Pediatric Report (hosts – myself, Nicole Landers, RN, and Ernest Ramirez) (4)

– Strongly consider homeschooling. The attacks on our children are coming from all directions. You, parents, are the guardians and primary educators.

A Timely Quote

From the Epoch Times today: 

“It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved.”

-Galileo Galilei






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