Faith Over Fear, Media and Podcasts

Faith Over Fear – 11.15.22

THIS WEEK’S TOPIC:  Biblical Prophecy View on World Events: Special post-election update with guest speaker Bill Wilson, Founding Minister, Living Springs Church, Frederick MD and investigative journalist with a Christian perspective. Pastor Bill Wilson is also the author of The Daily Jot, which appears both at and  Bill has been a steadfast volunteer with Truth for Health Foundation to assist us in many aspects of our mission, and presented a well-received program for Faith Over Fear in September. He has been invited back to give us an update in the face of escalating crises we face in the aftermath of this mid-term election fraud and ongoing “mob rule democracy our Founders warned could happen if we failed to preserve our Republic. Where do recent events fit in with Biblical prophecy? Join our seminar and learn more! Bill’s full Bio and the many dimensions of his work to further the gospel is available at both at The Daily Jot and Truth for Health websites.


Come and be in the gallery NOVEMBER 18, 2022 at 8:30 AM in Denver CO US Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit, Courtroom 2, or participate in the live stream broadcast. This is a momentous day with the oral arguments in the lawsuit against the Department of Defense on the unlawful mandates for experimental EUA products in the military that have so weakened our military readiness and damaged our national security. Todd Callender, a member of the Truth for Health Foundation Legal Advisory Council, major legal resource helping in our mission to rescue hospital patients trapped in the COVID death protocols, and frequent speaker on our programs, will be arguing this case on critical issues that affect all of us. Todd and his legal team ask for two things:

  1. your prayer support for the Judges to have open minds and rule fairly on the legal issues, and for the safety of those arguing against the powers that have forced these mandates on the military and civilians.
  2. He is also asking those who live close enough to come to the court and sit in the gallery to show there is public support on this case and that WeThePeople are present in our court to seek redress for unlawful actions by the Department of Defense. The address is Byron White United States Courthouse, 1823 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80257. Phone 303-844-3157.


  • NOV. 21, 7 PM Eastern time: Webinar -THE OATHBREAKERS PROJECT. Join our Zoom Webinar to learn more about Truth For Health Foundation’s latest citizens call to action and what YOU can do to help expose those who violate their oaths to God, to The US Constitution, to Patients, and those who have violated the public trust in failing their duty to protect and preserve our Judeo-Christian founding principles and rule of law, divinely inspired and enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights.  We will have speakers from Ministry, Medicine, Military, Law and Business. Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. We hope you will join us and work together on our goals:

REPENT  Sin – RECONCILE  Relationship – RECEIVE  Forgiveness – RESTORE  Trust


  • GIVING THANKS – Special FAITH OVER FEAR on “Giving Tuesday” 11/22/2022
  • Special Whistleblower Report broadcast Tuesday 11/22/2022 on America Out Loud Talk Radio at 12 NOON ET and 12 MN ET

BREAKING NEWS!  Latest from The Truth for Health Team:

The Whistleblower Report: with Dr. Vliet and two career Military Chaplains. America is standing on the precipice after the 2022 midterm election, fraught with fraud, corruption, criminality, and cyber theft of votes. We are facing the days of evil that the Bible describes in Ephesians 6:12 and 13. Our military has always stood on the Judeo-Christian principles that shaped our Constitutional Republic designed by our Founders, who were educated men of strong faith.  America was never intended to be the mob rule of a democracy with 51% determining the fate of all. Our Republic was designed as a representative government for all, with checks and balances that protect the minority. Our Whistleblower team discusses the HOPE that lies in the return to one nation under God. Healing of our nation can only occur with repentance and rebuking of the evil assault on life and freedom we have witnessed escalating under the current administration. READ more and listen to the podcast here:

The Whistleblower Report:  Who Owns You? Exposing the New Slavemasters

Truth for Health…The Rest of the Story  Dr. Vliet and physician founders of Mississippi Against Mandates Dr. John Witcher and Dr. Wesley Granger, ordained minister and physician. It is time to take back the American inspired by God and turn back to Him as the source of our strength and greatness. Read more and listen to the podcast here:

Don’t Forget to Visit the TFH Website: Click on Medical and Legal Help tab on home page. We have posted several new educational handouts.  Your generosity keeps us in the fight!  Please donate to support us.  Thank you!

Join our Crusade of the Voiceless…WE ARE SILENT NO MORE! Sign up to join our crusade for freedom and receive our alerts! 

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