Judy Cheek, wife of Lt Col. Jon Cheek, and herself a US Marine veteran, was denied prenatal care during her current pregnancy because she exercised her Constitutional right to refuse an EUA mask to enter the military medical clinic. This is the story of their courageous stand against mask tyranny that inspires all of us – military and civilians.
Most people do not know that ALL masks being mandated for COVID are experimental, EUA products only. NONE are FDA-approved for the prevention of COVID, and every military and civilian personnel in the United States has the legal right to refuse to comply with the illegal mask mandates that violate Constitutional, human, and civil rights. Col. Cheek and his wife describe the successful steps they used to fight back legally for their core human right to breathe freely and refuse experimental medical products that could have jeopardized their health and the health of their unborn baby.
Lt. Col. Jon Cheek, US Army Strategist with 18.5 years in service, and his wife Judy who served as an Officer in the US Marines for 7 years as a supply and contracting officer and is now a full-time mother, and homemaker and is homeschooling their children.
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