COVID death data fraud shows a staggering cover-up of the true causes of death that have hit America and the world since 2021 after the roll-out of the unlicensed gene therapy COVID shots. COVID is not the major killer in 2021-2023 as the media narrative continues to push. In fact, our Whistleblower guest today shows that in 2021 excess deaths changed dramatically from the respiratory illnesses causing excess deaths in 2020, mainly in those over 80 years old.
After the 2021 roll-out of the COVID shots, the excess deaths suddenly shifted to circulatory-cardiovascular causes of death that include heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and other vascular damage now in younger people, primarily 60s and 70s but with increases in all age groups. In addition, the deaths in 2021 and 2022 showed NO seasonal variations as respiratory viruses do.
In the wake of the explosive undercover video obtained by Project Veritas showing Pfizer’s Director of Research admitting to Pfizer’s “Directed Evolution” (i.e., gain-of-function) research to increase the deadliness of the “COVID” virus, the reality of the actual death data brings to light by our guest, John Paul Beaudoin, Jr. becomes even more critical to expose. He has obtained over 500,000 actual death certificates for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and meticulously researched these death certificates to put together an alarming picture of the massive fraud in the death data being put out to the public.
John also talks about his poignant story of losing his eldest son at age 20 in a tragic accident in 2018 and the devastating impact it had on his life. John mourned and had not worked for years when COVID hit. In order to protect his other two sons, John began researching covid data in order to show his skeptical sons that they needed to take the pandemic seriously.
As early as March 2020, John instead found that his sons’ skepticism was well-founded in data. He began a journey in data analysis that led him to obtain half a million Death Certificates from Massachusetts and uncover the massive vaccine and death data fraud with conditions like fentanyl overdoses, blunt force trauma deaths, and COVID “vaccine” deaths all being listed as “COVID” deaths. Listen to this shocking report, and then consider doing similar investigations in your state.
John Paul Beaudoin, Sr., has a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and an MBA in Management. His 30-year career involved large contracts for research and development of semiconductor devices and semiconductor manufacturing processes.
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