CNN’s Tech Director, Charlie Chester, was recently caught red-handed in Project Veritas’s undercover video describing CNN executives’ directive to instill the next fear using “Climate Change Crisis” and dropping coverage of COVID. Now that America and the world are no longer cowering in fear about COVID, the Global Predators know they are losing control and encountering resistance around the world. WEF leaders announced at January 2023 Davos summit that their new #1 Priority focus on “The Climate Catastrophe” as the new “drumbeat of fear” to browbeat the public into submission again.
From James Perloff, our guest on The Whistleblower Report today:
“For nearly three years, the principal focus of politicians and media has been COVID-19, with its unprecedented ‘new normals,’ including forced masking of healthy, asymptomatic people; “social distancing”; shuttering of small businesses and churches; and vaccinations—often mandatory—with experimental mRNA gene therapy.”
Author of the 2020 book COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled, Mr. Perloff points out that “global warming” and “Climate Change” have been propagandized for years, but the WEF leaders have now intensified the fear with their preposterous claim of Climate Change as a catastrophic planet-wide emergency—requiring drastic “new normals” in our behavior (similar to COVID, restrictions on freedoms based on “science”)—accelerated almost overnight.
James Perloff is the author of The Shadows of Power, an exposé of the Council on Foreign Relations that has sold over 100,000 copies, and two books about the evidence against Darwin’s theory of evolution, including Tornado in a Junkyard. He wrote for The New American magazine for nearly three decades. His 2013 book, Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, is a comprehensive primer on the New World Order, supplemented by his 2019 book, Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw. in 2020, he published COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled, which was Amazon’s #1 best seller in the category of “respiratory diseases” until they censored it, refusing to give any specific reason why. His latest book, published this November, is an Orthodox one, Missing Saints, Missing Miracles. His website is, and he is on Twitter and Gab as James Perlof.
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