The Heart of Love.
February is marked by Valentine’s Day, celebrating romantic love. English has one word for “love,” and that one word can mean many things from romantic infatuation, erotic attraction, brotherly love, spiritual love – but the cultural focus is primarily on romantic love, creating unrealistic expectations and problems in relationships. The Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated in their language, with 6 different words to describe the many different forms of love in our human relationships: Eros or sexual passion, Philia for deep friendship, Ludus for playful love, Pragma is longstanding love, Phiautia for love of self, and Agape to mean spiritual love for others. There are also the 5 “languages of love” to describe the ways people best receive love to help us better understand how to improve our relationships.
The Biblical perspective on love: How does God show His love for us? how do we respond and love God fully? How do we love our neighbor– especially those who are difficult to love as we are experiencing in our culture on a broad scale now? How do we love those who hurt us? How do we strengthen the connection between our hearts and the sacred heart of Christ? Join our Truth for Health Foundation panel ~ Steven Smith, PhD; Nicole Landers RN, BSN, LNC, CCM; and Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD for a discussion about all these dimensions of LOVE.
February 14: Heart Damage from the COVID Shots: What the CDC and FDA Are NOT Reporting.
Dr. Richard Fleming MD, PhD, JD returns to present an evidence-based program on the real data, and mechanisms of inury to the heart and vascular system from the COVID shots, as well as steps you can take to reverse this damage if you’ve had “the jab.”
February 21: Hormones and Heart Health: Medical Benefits the NIH, FDA and Big Pharma Conspired to Hide.
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, specialist in Climacteric Medicine and the ways that our hormones affect every body system throughout our lives, will present the international data on the 20 year “war on hormones” by our own NIH, FDA and the shocking cover-up of the truth about the amazing benefits of estradiol for women and testosterone for men on the health of our heart and vascular system. More on this topic in upcoming weekly alerts.
February 28:Nutraceutical Advances to Prevent & Treat Heart and Vascular Disease.
We have the founder, executive director and research scientist behind the company that developed an innovative nutraceutical product that studies confirm increases release of nitric oxide over 24 hours, leading to improvements in blood flow, endothelial lining repair and restoration of normal function…and more. Developed long before COVID, it turns out this nutraceutical approach has enormous potential to reverse the cardiovascular damage following the COVID shots. More on this topic in upcoming weekly alerts.
Breaking News:
Documented: Hospital Homicide.
Horrific evidence of hospital homicide was brought to light in a legal case presented by attorney Stanford Graham Jan. 30, 2023, in Truth for Health Foundation’s Legal Symposium. America, this could be YOUR family member. Dr. Vliet and Nurse Nicole Landers discuss the details of toxic medicines hospitals are using on the COVID death protocol, the violations of all 4 pillars of medical ethics principles for medical decision-making, and the steps YOU can take to protect yourself and your family. Listen to what you need to know now to save the life of someone you love. Go to for more resources for medical and legal help, as well as treatment guides to help you stay OUT of the hospital and save your life.
COVID VAX Prosecutions to Begin in Switzerland and Possibly Thailand Dr. Vliet and International Attorney Todd Callender discuss breaking news from Switzerland with a Pro Se litigation whose case has been accepted by the Swiss Attorney General beginning formal legal case against Swiss President and Minister of Health in Switzerland’s high court. This is buttressed by Tribunals already begun in Russia, and a case before the High Court in Pretoria South Africa. The news broke last week about the Royal Family of Thailand contemplating criminal investigations against Pfizer, following a Royal Princess of Thailand now in a coma following the Pfizer COVID shot. Listen to these stories and more on the latest edition of The SGT Report here:
In case you missed it:
FOR BREAKING NEWS! Tune in to The Whistleblower Reportfrom Truth for Health Foundation’s Truth Team every Mon-Fri 12 noon ET and 12 midnight ET on America Out Loud Talk Radio, and iHeart Radio.
Latest from The Truth for Health Team: Don’t forget to visit the TFH Website. Click on Medical and Legal Help tab on home page. We have posted several new educational handouts. Please share with your friends and neighbors our resources: Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, COVID Early Treatment Guide, and all our other FACT SHEETS and videos, podcasts at
Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth. Our gratitude to all who made year-end donations! We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength.
Our entire Truth for Health Foundation team sincerely thanks all of our donors and participants for your dedicated support of our work these past two years of intense efforts to defend medical freedom, provide practical action steps and educational resources as we work to preserve and our Constitutional Republic as one Nation under God. Thank you for choosing us as your resources for truthful, balanced information. We hope that 2023 will bring more of God’s light into the dark days we have faced these last three years, and we wish for each of you to find more opportunities to embrace living fully in all aspects of your life. May you grow in faith, strength, wisdom, health and resilience in the year ahead!
Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. President and CEO
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