It’s like a voice from the deep dark past of the annals of political history. Former Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean is back in the news. In 2005, Dean continuously pounded George W. Bush, Republicans and “white Christians” for not defending or protecting America. Of course, that was during the “war on terror,” translated “Islamic aggression.” Dean parroted the very same propaganda, almost word for word, that al Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden and Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad put before the American people in videos and letters. Dean also promoted “communitarianism,” a form of communism where it’s ok to worship God so long as God doesn’t supplant the state. Now Dean’s at it again.
Dean claimed Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” with Ari Melber that some Republicans meant the country “harm,” saying, “These people are essentially authoritarians. They will say whatever it takes. They’re not that different from Putin. And they like Putin. These are dangerous people.,,there are people in that Congress who mean America harm…Having these people on television, I mean, you can have them on once in a while, but I wouldn’t give them much of a platform because they mean evil for the country.” So Dean is saying that Republicans want to do the country harm, they are authoritarians, and that the news media shouldn’t give them a platform because they mean “evil for the country.”
He accused the media of allowing these authoritarian Republicans to “repeat lies until people begin to believe them and now we have to resist.” Melber, instead of challenging some of Dean’s shrill and unfounded remarks, was shown on camera doing a perfect invitation of a bobblehead on a Vermont country backroad. When Dean speaks of good and evil, he is invoking the principle of God. He says the Republicans mean evil for America. Yet his very belief in supporting the killing of the unborn, sexual predators disguised as anti-bully advocates in the public schools, and his past stances of taking God out of the public square, and religious censorship are all evils counter to the Word of God. And, quite frankly, how is Howard Dean even relevant as a remotely credible expert on good and evil?
Yes, there are good and bad Republicans. But which party identifies closest to the principles of God? And which party most seeks to undermine the precepts of God with its policies and actions? Moreover, which party leaders accuse others of doing exactly what these leaders are doing? Herein, Dean is trying to get the news media to censor Republicans because he considers them authoritarians. Yet who has led the censorship of “disinformation” on many topics of late? COVID, Russian Collusion, influence peddling are all great examples. Romans 2:1 says, “For in that which you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, for you, the one judging, do the same things.” Dean lost the 2004 Democratic primary because of his infamous scream. He’s never stopped screaming with his accusations that are, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson