The Department of Defense is in peril, due to spineless “Brass” who have allowed the weaponization of COVID-19 mandates and products to be coerced into America’s all-volunteer military force. In the U.S. Army, there are specific guidelines that regulate protected communications (i.e., “Whistleblowers”), such as “Army Regulation 600-20 paragraph 5-12.” This regulation specifically states that any Soldier who communicates “violations of regulation, violations of law(s), and substantial and specific dangers to public health and safety, to any person or organization within the chain of command,” is carrying out protected communications and “no person will take an unfavorable personnel action, withholding or threating to withhold favorable personnel actions, as reprisal against them for making or preparing, or being perceived as making or preparing protected communications.”
Despite regulations, laws, and the direct threat to public health from these weaponized COVID-19 injections, the Department of Defense continues to be hell-bent on destroying the careers, livelihood, and even lives of these protected communicators. Our guests for today’s show are CW3 (Retired) Joseph Eastman from the Maine Army National Guard with a total of 27 years of Service, and PFC (Former) Derrick Wynne, who was a high-performing active-duty Infantryman, until he was unlawfully discharged for refusing unlawful orders.
Both share their experiences with the tyrannical mandates, leadership, and a purging of the military ranks throughout the past three years. Both attempted to communicate specific dangers to public health and safety regarding these weaponized COVID-19 injections, and the unlawfulness of coercing Service Members to take an unapproved injection.
They even went so far as to defy the unlawful direct orders, to the point of receiving a General Officer Letter of Reprimands (GOMORs), from their Commanding Officers. However, their righteous defiance was their duty as Soldiers is rooted in Army Doctrine, and fulfills statutes under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Army Doctrine Publication 6-22, Chapter 2, “Ethical Orders,” states, “a leader has a duty to question such orders and refuse to obey them if clarification of the order’s intent fails to resolve objections. If a Soldier perceives an order is unlawful, the Soldier should fully understand the order’s details and original intent. The Soldier should seek immediate clarification from the person who issued the order before proceeding.”
CW3 Eastman and PFC Wynne are hero’s just like the tens of thousands of other Service Members, who were unlawfully retaliated against, cast aside, and treated like “leper scum” by their commanders and peers for trying to do what was right, just, and lawful.
Listen to the show as we hear directly from these two warriors who had the personal courage to defy unlawful orders, personify and fulfill Army Doctrine and the tradition of Army Officers to protect those under their command, and honor their Oaths to the Constitution of the United States of the America.
For more information, go to Truth for Health Foundation website Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts, and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts. Also, read the full presentation on the Department of Defense Violations of Law:
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Additional resources: Gateway to Freedom Conference: David Beckerman (chronological of the DoD C19 Mandates)
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