FEBRUARY SERIES for Heart Month:
Register in advance for FEB 14, 21, and 28 2023 8:00 PM Eastern Time USA:
AFTER registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you miss the live program, there will be an archive for replay on our website at https://www.truthforhealth.org/faith-over-fear/
February 14: Heart Damage from the COVID Shots: What the CDC and FDA Are NOT Reporting. Dr. Richard Fleming MD, PhD, JD –nuclear cardiologist, physicist and attorney—returns to our Faith Over Fear seminar series to present an evidence-based program on the real data, and mechanisms of injury to the heart and vascular system from the COVID shots, as well as steps you can take to reverse this damage if you’ve had “the jab.” Dr. Fleming has been presenting evidence of the inflamed-thrombotic response and cardiovascular damage since 1994 and is one of the leading medical authorities on how COVID illness, and the COVID shots, intensify the damage from the inflammo-thrombotic response that can lead to death. For more information on these topics, visit Dr. Fleming’s websites and listen to this additional program: To The State Attorney Generals & Governors. Honor Your Oaths!
Websites: www.FlemingMethod.com and www.10Letters.org.
February 21: Hormones and Heart Health: Medical Benefits the NIH, FDA and Big Pharma Conspired to Hide. Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, specialist in Climacteric Medicine and the ways that our hormones affect every body system throughout our lives, will present the international data on the 20 year “war on hormones” by our own NIH, FDA and the shocking cover-up of the truth about the amazing benefits of estradiol for women and testosterone for men on the health of our heart and vascular system. More on this topic in upcoming weekly alerts.
February 28: Nutraceutical Advances to Prevent & Treat Heart and Vascular Disease. We have the founder, executive director and research scientist behind the company that developed an innovative nutraceutical product that studies confirm increases release of nitric oxide over 24 hours, leading to improvements in blood flow, endothelial lining repair and restoration of normal function…and more. Developed long before COVID, it turns out this nutraceutical approach has enormous potential to reverse the cardiovascular damage following the COVID shots. More on this topic in upcoming weekly alerts.
Breaking News:
- UK Cancer Surgeon Suspended – Dr. Vliet’s interview with Dr. Adil on this landmark case in the High Court of the United Kingdom on February 15, 2023. https://rumble.com/v28ty7c-whistleblower-report-2.8.2023-medical-report-uk-cancer-surgeon-suspended.html[ELVM1]
See the detailed letter to the WORLD from Dr. Adil at the end of this Email.
- Landmark Criminal Case Filed Against Swiss President for Vaccine Policies Dr. Vliet’s interview with Swiss Investment banker, Pascal Najadi, about the criminal complaint he filed with his local police against the Swiss President and Minister of Health that the Attorney General of Switzerland is now taking forward in a criminal investigation. https://rumble.com/v28umpu-whistleblower-report-2.9.2023-swiss-ag-case-against-swiss-president.html
- NIH Announces Next New “Sudan Virus” Vaccine Rollout: Join Dr. Mike Yeadon, Hedley Rees, Attorney Shabnam Mohamed, and Dr. Vliet for a powerful discussion of the NIH announces “breaking news” of a new “vaccine” for another deadly virus threat, the “Sudan virus,” one of four viruses known to cause human Ebola virus disease. The new vaccine, VSV-SUDV, was suddenly developed at the speed of light based on a limited four-month outbreak in Uganda with “143 confirmed cases, with 55 deaths.” But how were the cases confirmed? Why is this a threat to Americans, warranting more experimental vaccines pushed on the public? So they only used 11 monkeys in this study? Where is the safety data in clinical trials for people? When Big Pharma has been exposed having problems with 10,000-fold variance in the labeled dose of mRNA in the COVID shots, and widescale contamination of vials of mRNA shots, can we trust them to suddenly produce safely manufactured NEW vaccines for this Sudan virus? these issues and more. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/experimental-nih-sudan-virus-vaccine-protects-macaques
4. The Heart of LOVE – Profiles in Love and Courage
Join Dr. Vliet as she explores the concept of LOVE in its many forms as we celebrate February as Heart month and is the “month of love” marked by Valentine’s Day, celebrating romantic love. The first half of the program Dr. Vliet features three “Profiles in Love and Courage” with Pascal Najadi, Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Mohamad Adil who have demonstrated in their actions agape—the love of mankind in a spiritual love serving God, the highest form of love described by the ancient Greeks and in the Bible. English has one word for “love,” and that one word can mean many things, from romantic infatuation, erotic attraction, brotherly love, and spiritual love – but the cultural focus is primarily on romantic love, creating unrealistic expectations and problems in relationships. The Ancient Greeks were more sophisticated in their language, with 6 different words to describe many different forms of love in our human relationships: Eros or sexual passion, Philia for deep friendship, Ludus for playful love, Pragma to mean longstanding love, Philautia for love of self, and Agape to mean spiritual love for others. There are also 5 “languages of love” to describe ways people best receive love to help us better understand how to improve our relationships: physical touch, verbal affirmations, acts of service, quality time, receiving gifts. https://www.americaoutloud.com/the-heart-of-love-profiles-in-love-and-courage/
See the detailed letter to the WORLD from Dr. Adil at the end of this Email.
- The Tide of Aggressive Wokism in US Military Academies
https://www.americaoutloud.com/the-tide-of-aggressive-wokism-in-us-military-academies/ Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Sandra Miarecki, fired from the Air Force Academy in September 2022 for standing up against the illegal COVID shot mandates for the students, exposes the damages and dangers of the “aggressive wokism” invading our military service academies at an accelerated pace under the Biden Administration. Now officially retired from her illustrious military career as a pilot, instructor pilot, and eventually, test pilot after graduating from the Test Pilot School at Edwards AFB, Dr, Miarecki is now active in the patriot community to take our country back from corrupt global predators determined to destroy our Constitutional Republic as one Nation Under God.
FOR BREAKING NEWS! Tune in to The Whistleblower Report from Truth for Health Foundation’s Truth Team every Mon-Fri 12 noon ET and 12 midnight ET on America Out Loud Talk Radio, and iHeart Radio.
Latest from The Truth for Health Team: Don’t forget to visit the TFH Website. Click on Medical and Legal Help tab on home page. We have posted several new educational handouts. Please share with your friends and neighbors our resources: Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, COVID Early Treatment Guide, and all our other FACT SHEETS and videos, podcasts at www.TruthForHealth.org
Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth. We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength. https://secure.anedot.com/truth-for-health-foundation/donate
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Letter to the World Community from Dr. Mohamad Adil:
Dear All
Please Join me for human rights,medical ethics ,civil liberties on 15/2/23 The R… https://youtu.be/-DcZvyF3CBk via @YouTube
Please Join me on 15/2/2023 at 10:00 am in The Royal Court of Justice , London ,Strands WC2A 2 LL , during my high court hearing against the GMC and the medical establishment for the ongoing injustice, freedom of speech,tyranny and violation of human rights ,civil liberties & medical ethics and current health crisis.
I stood for the cause of public in early 2020 with my view points of Corona pandemics as an extraordinary restriction on the public, fear generated and roll out of unlicensed , experimental vaccination to public without out informed consent with 35 years of medical expertise with unblemished medical record with NHS in U.K.
I expressed my viewpoints in couple of my videos over the social media and got crucified by the medical establishment & medical regulator and Trust with dismissal & suspension since April 2020 and still suspended to send the message across the wider medical community which is totally unfair,unjustified ,unlawful , totalitarian & draconian.
I stood to protect human rights , injustice , integrity , freedom of speech and expression for everyone including health professionals without any recriminations .
I stood for the:
- Freedom of thoughts & ideas
- Freedom of press & publication
- Freedom of assembly and protest
- Freedom of relegion & workshop for all faiths
- Freedom at work place without any discrimination , bullying or harassment .
- Freedom of justice, equality & justice regardless of any colour, race, religion or individuality .
- In the last 3 years there has been serious violation of
- The Human rights
- Civil liberties
- Medical ethics
- Health Crisis
- Security at work place without discrimination
I am standing for the humanity in restoration of justice, human rights , civil liberties and health services which has beff wen totally abandoned for the public for the last 3 years resulting 8 million patients including cancer patients are waiting for their investigations and treatment but not getting anywhere . NHS has gone to its knees and has totally failed to provide health services to the public which they deserve ,despite totally supported by the public funds. With this stand please come along and join us for the justice & integrity , truth to regain human rights ,civil liberties ,medical ethics and restoration of the NHS services .
Help me raise £15000 to Fund for Dr Mohammad Adil FRCS Consultant Surgeon & Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons of UK for his Suspended Medical licence by GMC.. Please #donate on @justgiving and RT. Thanks! https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/mohammadiqbal-adil?utm_id=60&utm_term=x4NGeDbVZ
Dr M. Adil