News, Vaccine, Vaccine News

BREAKING: Pfizer’s Jab Contains the SV40 Sequence Which Is Known as a Promoter of the Cancer Virus

Japanese professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science makes an astonishing finding


Professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science: Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine had plasmid DNA, so when I checked it, I was surprised to find the SV40 sequence.

SV40 is a promoter of cancer viruses, and the presence of this sequence facilitates the translocation of DNA to the human nucleus. easier to enter the genome. Even though it’s a sequence that is completely unnecessary to make an mRNA vaccine.

Why SV40?

The plasmid DNA map submitted by Pfizer to the EMA (European Medicines Agency) does not appear to include SV40.

Why did you hide it?

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