When we see our Nation crumbling before our very eyes, and evil appears to be running rampant throughout our society today, what can we turn to for hope that all is not lost? “Where is God?” We cry as we are engulfed by fear, sorrow, and despair. How can we be sure God is not absent or impotent in the face of a government that is out of control, bent on destroying all we hold dear?
Bruce McGray, career military pilot, commercial pilot, and now FAA senior investigator and teacher of Bible studies over many years, shares his perspective on today’s events and what he believes scripture shows us about God’s plan for America.
“I believe the Lord has shown me three major points to share with people: 1) America is one of two Covenant Nations, 2) the Scriptures support America’s Covenant Nation role, and 3) Intercessory Prayer Warriors in America and throughout the world are standing in the prophetic fulfillment that America will conclude its gospel destiny to all the nations, in God’s pre-determined time. We are standing on two major foundational Scriptural principles: ‘Declare a victory that we do not see, but has already happened and 2 Peter 3:8-9 ‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, willing that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
Let us continue to stand and speak against evil. Remember the colonial American battle cry of those who fought for freedom: “No king but Jesus, no sovereign but the Lord God!”
For Intercessory Prayer Networks, check these resources: https://ifapray.org, www.givehim15.com, dutchsheets.org, claynash.org. Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network www.cotr.tv Click on Ministries, then click on HAPN, and then look for your state. Email your state representative to get connected with consistent prayer calls.
For more information, go to Truth for Health Foundation website www.TruthForHealth.org. Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts, and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts.
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Abraham’s Argument With God Over souls in Sodom and Gomorrah
Revelation 5:9, 10 The First Great Crowd Worshipping Before the Throne of God
I am standing with what many believers are doing in prayer and actions today. I have been standing in this victory over many others for some time, and what I could say at length would take too many pages for now, but here is one part, probably 3 points, of what I believe Our Lord has shown me. It has brought me to stand with those believers of this conviction fully.
AMERICA’S COVENANT HISTORY began out of persecution. Our history supports this, our stand in victory. A brief bit of Columbus’s journal on what moved him; “…There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit because he comforted me with rays of marvelous illumination from the Holy Scriptures….” Add to this Robert Hunt’s prophetic declaration at Caper Henry in 1607, which summarizes the whole prophetic destiny of America; “We hereby dedicate this land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this covenant of Dedication remain unto all generations, as long as this earth remains….” This prophetic visionary thread continues with the Mayflower Compact, the earlier martyrdom, the 1500s of the Huguenots in Florida, then the vision given to George Washington during the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge. There is much more to this. I stand in faith in the historic covenant dedication and further prophetic events that testify to its truth.
The founders, who covenanted before God Almighty the following, that all mankind is created equal, and we are endowed by our Creator…. We see them conclude by aligning the second covenant nation in history with “nature’s laws and nature’s God.” As what I believe is a supernatural proof of this solemn covenant work, within four years following July 4 of that year, nine had been martyred, 12 lost children, and 17 lost everything they owned. Our Almighty Lord God never walks away from a covenant, and this one is, I believe, a Holy Spirit-given blood covenant.
Sam Adams made the incredible Christ-centered, God-ordained statement when he signed. This heaven-sent governmental truth, which has everything to do with the satanic warfare we are in, is as follows; “WE HAVE, THIS DAY, RESTORED THE SOVEREIGN, TO WHOM ALONE MEN OUGHT TO BE OBEDIENT. HE REIGNS IN HEAVEN, AND FROM THE RISING TO THE SETTING SUN, MAY HIS KINGDOM COME.” The enemy always attacks this kind of supernatural change in the earth.
THE SCRIPTURES SUPPORT THIS COVENANT NATION: In my faith and understanding, the Scriptures support this victory. Those passages that I believe uniquely support God’s call on America start with what Jesus said in 21:42, 43. But first, let me speak to the “nation” part behind this. Revelation 5:9 states, “And have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.” I think the Lord clarifies in this passage that a tribe is not a nation, a tongue is not necessarily a people, and so on. Nation, tribe, tongue, and people are each distinct. They may overlap one another but are legally separate in God’s mind. They are not four ways of saying the same thing.
I believe the Lord is speaking straight legally here, and we see further in Ps. 86:9 that He created the nations. Nations are created by God, not man. Remember when he announced concerning Esau and Jacob that two nations were in Rebekah’s womb? As Acts 17:26 speaks to God’s nations, it concludes, “God “has determined their preappointed times and the BOUNDARIES of their habitation.” And we know from Psalm 2 that Jesus asked Him for the nations, so He already owns all of us, again indirectly speaking to this, our victory.
That is what I offer as legal support, and I believe before the courts of heaven for this revelation in Matthew. Mat 21:42, 43 finishes with, “Therefore I am saying to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you [Israel, the nation, not a people, tongue, tribe] and given to A NATION BEARING THE FRUITS THEREOF.” Not a people, nor a tongue or tribe, but a nation. America is still sustaining 80% of the mission work around the globe. Since the Lord began bringing believers here in 1492 or earlier, we have become the nation bearing the fruits thereof. I’m sure you know this, but I am sharing how He, I believe, has pulled my thoughts together, maybe prophetically, with this. [Side note: The NKJ version in Isaiah speaks of coastlands, different from isles or islands, and I think we fit in the coastlands group Biblically].
AMERICAN INTERCESSORS STANDING FOR COVENANT DESTINY FULFILLMENT BY AMERICA: ANY OF US associated with the intercessory prayer movement in America and throughout the world are standing in the prophetic fulfillment that America will conclude its gospel destiny to all the nations, our pre-appointed times. Cameron Townsend brought about Wycliffe Bible translators, who took 17 years to develop a language for a tribe and produce the Scriptures. I believe he helped prophetically align us with Rev 5:9 and Mat 24:14, that this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached for a witness [led by America] to all nations, [and every tongue, tribe, and people] and then the end…
Furthermore, Wycliffe is still over two years away from having linguists in every tribe on the earth. [At least everyone we know of so far]. Think in simple battlefield math- it takes over five years to define the language and begin to get the Scriptures in that language. Only then can fulfilling Revelation 5:9 be physically possible. Only then will “every tribe” be able to be in the first great throng around the throne. And it is EVERY TRIBE. It fits exactly with what you were speaking prophetically at Fresh Fire.