Begin with a pause and a slow, deep breath or two; become aware that you are in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Thanksgiving: What am I especially grateful for in the past day . . .
The gift of another day…
The love and support I have received…
The courage I have mustered…
An event that took place today…
Petition: I am about to review my day; I ask for the light to know God and to know myself as God sees me.
Review: Where have I felt true joy today?
What has troubled me today?
What has challenged me today?
Where and when did I pause today?
Have I noticed God’s presence in any of this?
Response: In light of my review, what is my response to the God of my life?
A Look Ahead: As I look ahead, what comes to mind?
With what spirit do I want to enter tomorrow?
In Jesus Name, AMEN