Department of Defense is the target of this latest lawsuit to defend the human rights of our volunteer military service members against the unlawful mandate to be injected with experimental COVID gene therapy prototype shots. Todd Callender, Esq and Andrew Schlafly, Esq and their legal team filed on August 17, 2023 for an En Banc hearing of their case, Robert v. Austin against the Biden Administration Secretary of Defense.
Rather than ruling on the points of law, the Judge dismissed the case. The legal team appealed the case to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Following oral arguments, a three-judge panel again refused to rule on the points of law and dismissed the case. The legal team has not given up, however, in their efforts to have the courts rule on the law and the critical legal questions raised above. Andrew Schlafly, Todd Callender and David Willson now filed the En Banc appeal requiring all eleven active federal judges for the 10th Circuit to hear the case and decide on the points of law.
The legal grounds for this lawsuit are critical issues that affects all Americans – civilian and military: “Voluntary service in the Armed Forces does not operate to confer ownership to government of the troops; yet genetic modification of those troops using mRNA technology seemingly does.” Robert v. Austin 22-1032, pg. 8; 10th Circuit Ct. Appeals
Todd Callender, Esq. the lead attorney who filed the Robert V Austin case said “We cannot allow the courts and government to bury the truth by telling injured plaintiffs that the issues are not ‘justiciable.’ What does that mean? It means the court doesn’t want to hear from us – none of us. We’ve alleged gene modification and the resulting creation of a new owned species from the very start of our litigation and NEVER ONCE has the DOJ, DOD, HHS or FDA (lawyers and Defendants) denied our allegations – because they are accurate. The Courts do not want to hear this case because so doing would make this slavery issue something they’d have to deal with – outlaw it or legalize it. Imagine how a ruling against use of mRNA to turn people into a new slave species would ruin the well-laid plans of Gates, Soros, Rothschilds, et al. Please folks, get your peeps talking about this issue very publicly so that we can force the government to either publicly deny and decry ownership of vaxxed people or give us our day in court to prove our case! The existence and dominion of our species is at stake here.”
Andrew Schlafly, Esq. has been a legal warrior for medical freedom and preservation of our Constitutional rights lawsuits for medical freedom for his entire legal career, most especially the last thirty years as Legal Counsel for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). Schlafly has filed suits against the FDA to release the national stockpile of hydroxychloroquine to prevent deaths from COVID, he has filed and won suits against rogue medical boards violating due process of physicians, and his latest suit underway to preserve medical freedom is the suit against the specialty medical board for Internal Medicine, Family Medicine and ObGyn for unlawfully terminating the special board certification of physicians who spoke out against the suppression of early home COVID treatment and unlawful COVID injection mandates. Andy comes by this fighting spirit as the son of Phyllis Schlalfy, founder of The Eagle Forum dedicated to preserving America’s core values and our Constitutional Republic.
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