Conscience of a Scientist: Seeking Truth Based on Data, Not Ideology

Medical and scientific censorship has been rampant since COVID was unleashed on the world. Censorship has been orchestrated and coordinated by big media, academic institutions, medical journals and taxpayer-funded government agencies that were chartered to protect the public health and safety. Today’s Whistleblower Report is the story of one scientist’s stand against silencing of scientific truth in his quest for publication of an important study on the consequences of abortion on the mother. Neuroscientist and Professor Dr. Stephen Sammut has stood firm against this massive push to suppress data that doesn’t fit a pre-determined “narrative” by those in control of all of the above outlets.

Dr. Sammut discusses the outcomes of his studies in animals to show consequences of administering the “the abortion pill” (containing chemical abortifacients mifepristone [RU-486] and misoprostol) on the mother’s behavior and other outcomes after a drug-induced (chemical) abortion. Using animal models to study behavioral outcomes eliminates the socio-cultural bias that complicates human studies. Key conclusions of his studies, based on data not ideology, are that pregnancy termination using mifepristone (RU-486) and misoprostol led to:

  • A reduction in overall well-being (decrease in body weight and food consumption)
  • Depression-like behavior
  • Anxiety-like behavior
  • Physiological changes to the oxidative stress system
  • A removal of the benefits on fertility associated with pregnancy and giving birth.
  • These changes were relatively long-term and reflected moderate to severe stress.
  • The behavioral effects seen following chemical abortion were NOT observed in rats that miscarried naturally.
  • These changes were clearly associated with the drug administration leading to abortion and not simply drug-administration.

Dr. Sammut also did studies to determine whether natural progesterone could result in reversal of a chemical abortion after mifepristone (and no progesterone) caused a complete pregnancy termination. Again, the findings based on data, show that progesterone reverses the effects of mifepristone (i.e., reverses the abortion). Living offspring were present at the end of gestation in a majority of rats in the reversal group given progesterone. Fetal heart rates in the reversal group were comparable to those of the normal pregnancy group. At the end of gestation, the successful reversal group was comparable to the normal pregnancy group and not the abortion group. In conclusion, this study confirmed the potential for progesterone to reverse an abortion during the early stages of the abortion process.

Tragically for those seeking truth in science, the scientific review process has become compromised and influenced by politics and ideological agendas. It appears that meeting a political or organizational agenda now takes priority over allowing genuine scientific investigation and honest discussion of results based on data. Academia/science/the medical field has abdicated its obligation towards genuinely searching for the truth for the service of humanity

It is necessary for all scientists and medical professionals, but especially those of faith, to reclaim the integrity, ethics and dignity deserving of science and medicine. We must all actively stand against the tyranny of suppression of truth that comes from honest interpretation and reporting of real data.

To read more on these studies, the Abortion-pill reversal paper can be downloaded from here: The Executive summary can be downloaded here:

Original abortion paper published in 2019 can be downloaded here: The Executive summary of the abortion paper can be found here:

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Guest Background: Stephen Sammut, Ph. D. Neuroscientist

Dr. Stephen Sammut received a Bachelors degree in Pharmacology from Monash University in Victoria, Australia and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Malta in Malta, Europe. Dr. Sammut is currently a Full Professor of Psychology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH, where he teaches and is also actively involved in research. His research efforts currently are focused on three primary areas: 1) research geared at investigating the neurological, biological and behavioral consequences of drug-induced abortion in an animal model, 2) research seeking to establish a pre-clinical model addressing the abortion-pill-reversal, and 3) research addressing the development of an animal model for embryo transfer in ectopic pregnancy. He has authored and co-authored several papers in leading scientific journals related to the research he has conducted and also presented his work at various conferences and institutions nationally and internationally.

Dr. Sammut’s research interests lie in the utilization of behavioral models and combined experimental techniques to investigate the interaction between the endocrine, immune and nervous systems and their role in Central Nervous System development, functioning and psychopathology. His scientific career experience has been broad and has included experience in a number of animal models of psychiatric disorders including depression, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease and psychostimulant-induced drug sensitization. Moreover, he has utilized various in vivo and in vitro techniques including electrophysiology, electrochemistry, reverse-microdialysis, individually or in combination with each other, in order to investigate questions related to behavior, cellular activity, neurotransmitter release, and how these are altered in psychiatric diseases in brain regions of interest. Additionally, and in line with his research interest in psychopathology, Dr. Sammut also conducts research addressing mental health and related behaviors in the university student population.

Dr. Sammut’s website is


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