On this 22nd anniversary of the terror attack on American soil September 11th 2001 that cost over 3500 lives that day alone, we remember those who died and those injured, as well as those who suffered long-term health consequences working at Ground Zero –many of whom died prematurely of damage from the toxic exposures during the massive clean-up. America was changed forever on that day – with consequences to our freedom and way of life that began to unfold in ways we could not have predicted.
On this 22nd anniversary of 9/11 we also are faced with catastrophic deaths as a result of another weapon of fear and terror unleashed on the world: COVID-19 and the experimental gene therapy shots that were deceptively and intentionally falsely sold to the public as the only way to “prevent COVID hospitalizations and deaths.” As staggering as the numbers of deaths on 9-11-2001 were, the deaths in America and around the world from the COVID shots are many orders of magnitude more catastrophic – in the millions, not 3,500.
Financial analyst Ed Dowd has just revealed alarming new data showing a catastrophic rise in excess deaths among children, normally a healthy population. Deaths in the age group up to age 15 are 16% higher in 2022 than in 2020 or 2021 and are forecast to be 22% higher than normal in 2023 as an outgrowth of the adverse effects of the COVID shots. And that does not include deaths in the working age population that are more than 6 times normal, or deaths in the elderly – also dramatically increased since the roll out of the COVID shots.
The red flags about the COVID shot damage are so serious that Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has issued a warning to Americans not to take the latest COVID booster due to safety concerns.
Just as the Patriot Act passed after 9-11 attacks led to loss of freedom and privacy and increased tyranny for all Americans, the COVID “National Emergency” in 2020 has led to devastating attacks on our Constitutional rights with mask mandates, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, business closures, restrictions on travel, loss of patient rights in hospitals, and even the Governor of New Mexico trying to use the COVID emergency as an excuse to over-ride the Second Amendment and confiscate legally owned personal firearms.
And now Anthony Fauci is back in the news falsely claiming “There is no doubt masks work” and calling for MORE Mask mandates! We are seeing colleges, businesses airports, and other institutions re-start required masking – all for a “head cold” mild illness, when even the FDA and CDC finally admit masks do not work to stop viral illnesses. 2023 Cochrane review found no evidence that physical interventions like face masks could stop viral transmission in the community and cited this interview with lead author of the study Tom Jefferson who confirmed, “There is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference. Full stop.”
Continuing the weapons of tyranny perpetrated on the population under the false premise of a “pandemic” or “climate emergency, today’s show also discusses one of the most draconian laws ever passed in the UK: “The Energy Bill” is a huge bill of several hundred pages, including the provisions that energy companies may enter your home, using force if necessary and accompanied by police when indicated, in order to check you’ve complied with “Net Zero” obligations. These include removal of wood burning stoves and other prohibited devices, plus required installation of “smart” meters that allow energy use to be regulated by the government. Penalties per offence are a fine of £15,000 & up to one year imprisonment.
America, and the world: JUST SAY NO to more tyranny. Peaceful non-compliance is action all of us can take to restore our freedom, and save lives.
For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website AND Access our archive of all our shows at www.WhisteblowerReports.org. Check out medical and legal resources for help at www.TruthForHealth.org to download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide. If you have been injured by any vaccine, go to www.vaccinedamage.org to file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report.
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Mike Yeadon, PhD immunologist and former Pfizer Chief Scientist worldwide for respiratory pharmacology and product development speaks from a thirty-year career in pharmacological research and development, new product development, and as a Bio-tech entrepreneur. He has been a courageous Whistleblower since fall of 2020, warning about the damage to pregnancy development as a result of the spike protein, similarity to a critical placental protein, and lipid nanoparticle damage to the ovaries and testicles. He is also Chief Scientific Advisor for Truth for Health Foundation and an expert witness on damage from the COVID gene therapy injections. His warnings two years ago are clearing being played out in the damage to people we are seeing now. He brings a global perspective to the vaccine injuries, and overall agenda with the COVID shots.
Jonathan Gilthorpe PhD is an Associate Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology who graduated with First Class Honors in Microbiology from the University Leeds, U.K. His career path has been decidedly tangential rather than vertical – driven largely by his interest in, well – almost anything and everything! Jonathan’s first research experience in Virology at Leeds University led him towards a postgraduate degree in gene regulation during embryonic development, graduating with a Ph.D. in Anatomy from the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill/University College London, U.K. Based on a love and aptitude for research and an affinity for free thinking, Jonathan gravitated towards a long postdoctoral period at the MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, Guy’s Hospital, King’s College London working on the development of brain regions in chicken and zebrafish and driving a Caterham 7. He has worked extensively with different types of viruses as research tools and has a deep understanding of molecular and cell biology. A chance meeting at a conference in Keystone, Colorado led Jonathan to a sabbatical period at Stanford University, U.S., where he developed his expertise in neurobiology/neuroscince and advanced microscopy. After returning to London in 2003 and moving to Sweden in 2008, driven largely by occupational allergies to animal models that he worked with, he shifted his research focus towards the molecular mechanisms of human neurodegenerative disease. He lives and works in Sweden, is only allergic to certain humans, and has been a member of the Swedish non-profit organization The Physicians Appeal (Läkaruppropet) since 2021. His publications and other resources can be found on the website www.lakaruppropet.se which is linked to his Rumble Channel.