This Conference for the Members of Parliament in Croatia is organized by one of TFH Foundation international advisors, Andrija Klaric, and brings world experts to expose the damage of experimental injections, lockdowns, vaccine passports, digital IDs, Central bank controlled programmable digital currency (CBDC), and the end game of digital prisons and depopulation. Speakers include several Truth for Health Foundation Advisors working to stop the global tyranny led by WEF, WHO, GAVI, Gates, Klaus Schwab and others: Dr. Mike Yeadon, Attorney Todd Callender, Dr. William Makis, Dr. David Wiseman with an impressive of lineup of international experts in cancer, medicine, law, and finance. Todd Callender and the Truth Hub team have arranged for the entire event to be streamed on CloutHub in 72 languages and 96 dialects. This is a unique opportunity to spread our voice around the world. WATCH live here: