The American medical system and the Faith institutions in America –Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish—are largely all working with the orchestrated censorship and propaganda from Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government pushing the deceptive and false narrative that the experimental mRNA COVID injections are “safe and effective.” Now in October 2023, everyone who has paid attention to what is going on around us knows full well that this statement is not true, and in fact is a dangerous lie. The COVID “vaccines” are deadly and dangerous; they do not prevent COVID or prevent transmission of COVID as the public was deceptively promised when “the Jab” was launched in 2021.
What is happening in America now is very parallel to what happened in the German Church and medical system in the 1930’s under the Nazi regime. Failure to stand up to the evil assault on life and freedom—both medical and religious—is exactly what took place in the German and Austrian Church outlined by Eric Metaxas in his powerful 2022 book, Letter to the American Church.
Our guest expert, physician and professor of Opthalmology Dr. Russell Gonnering, discusses the current censorship going on both the Church and in Christian and secular medical organizations, such as the website pronouncements of some Christian medical organizations with statements like: Tragically, this has a truly frightening twist because it is cloaked in “goodness.” Satan has that “one move” that make it hard to defend against because it is the half-lie that supports people’s typical biases. A good example of this deceptive tactic is the Pope saying that getting “COVID jab” was “loving your neighbor.” Dr. Gonnering covered that in one of his Substack articles:
Another example is the response from an official of the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) which was completely disingenuous as this podcast (linked) shows. Far from “never delving into treatment of medical conditions”, they have consistently and forcefully supported the mRNA agents, BioLogos and Francis Collins. Mike Chupp, the CEO, supported the policy statement on vaccines (included in link) which is filled with flagrantly wrong and out of date information. If this policy paper is used to support the mRNA agents, CMDA is guilty of the very misinformation they decry in the physicians who have the courage to present truth based on actual data to the public.
In fact, many Christian, Catholic, and Jewish organizations have the same hypocritical stance on the lack of true informed consent and the denial of any safety risks for the experimental new COVID treatments and the COVID jabs. They want to be “above the controversy” and just “deliver medical care” much like the Churches want to “only preach the love of Jesus.” All of which is an excuse for failing to confront the reality of the massive increases in death and medical damage from the COVID shots and the failure to accurately report available current, older, safer antiviral treatments for the COVID illness.
Many of Dr. Gonnering’s Substack articles discuss these topics, such as Medicine is in The Wasteland and a recent one discussing the last Truth Project discussion of “History.”
Russell S. Gonnering, MD, MMM, FACS, CPHQ, Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin. Electronic copies of some of Dr. Gonnering’s papers are available from his Substack channel and from the SSRN eLibrary at:
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