What is the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities and how does it affect YOU and the medicines you take, as well as the safety of those medicines? The new ICMRA, primarily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has essentially appointed itself as “the conveniently-placed global overseer for medicines regulation to the coming One World Government”. Sovereign countries of the world, and formerly free peoples of the world are being caught in a pincer movement between the Gates-funded World Health Organization and the Gates-funded & wholly illegitimate ICMRA. There has never been such a supranational oversight body directing medicines regulatory bodies for each country in any previous public health outbreak, much less one in the shadows that has been funded by an individual like Gates. The One World Government in formation is also substantially facilitated & funded by Gates & global predators seeking to consolidate power and control through the freedom-killing WHO Pandemic Treaty & amendments to the IHR, with control of the World funneling up through the WHO & its Gates-money controlled puppet-master appointee, Tedros.
Bill Gates is not doing it on his own or without the knowing support of the cabal of mostly hidden families, foundations and institutions who have been planning this global coup d’etat for over a hundred years, going back to 1900’s Eugenics movement and the 1913 establishment of US Federal Reserve private central bank. The independence of almost every nation has been taken over with installations of Central Banks, reporting into the Bank For International Settlements, located in Switzerland. In fact, Geneva Switzerland is exposed as the “head of the snake” in this 5 min video by Swiss investment banker, Pascal Najadi: https://rumble.com/v3qf7ig-breaking-documentary-short-cutting-off-the-head-of-the-snake-geneva-switzer.html