Police Union and Attorneys Lead Community Resistance to Tyrannical COVID Mandates

Akron City Council imposed draconian restrictions on freedom, violating all Constitutional rights, during COVID.  The courage of one Fraternal Order of Police Union President, in conjunction with two men from Mendenhall Law Group empowered others to resist the City Council’s tyranny on limits of visitors in homes, limits on size of gatherings, masking mandates, and later the COVID injections mandates.  This is the profile in courage of these three men, Akron FOP Lodge #7 President Clay Cozart, Mendenhall Law Group attorney Warner Mendenhall and Government Liaison  specialist George Johnson, who led their community to resist unlawful mandates and inspired others to stand up in solidarity with these leaders.  As Union leader Clay Cozart pointed out, “The Chiefs of Police across our country are nothing but politicians.  As Union President I had to stand up for my members against the Mayor and Chief of Police to enforce our members’ human and civil rights.  Our citizens strongly supported the stand I took, and these unlawful mandates were not enforced.” 

With the announcement of the “next pandemic” from our public health and government officials, their story gives us a model for other community leaders, other FOP Union Presidents, and our Constitutional Sheriffs to stand for our rights under the US Constitution for free speech, peaceful assembly, and the right to bodily autonomy.  

For more information on the Akon Ohio successes against the unlawful COVID mandates, go to www.MendenhallLawGroup.com and www.CovidLawCast.com

For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website AND Access our archive of all our shows at www.WhisteblowerReports.org. Check out medical and legal resources for help at www.TruthForHealth.org to download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide.  If you have been injured by any vaccine, go to www.vaccinedamage.org to file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report.

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