“Turbo Cancer” is the name coined by Canadian clinical and research Oncologist Dr. William Makis for the rapid-onset, aggressive, fast-growing cancers rising dramatically and shocking oncologists around the world since the roll-out of the COVID injections. These new forms of cancers are hitting younger, healthier people than we have ever seen before. Tragically, these aggressive “turbo cancers” have not been responsive to traditional treatments with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik have created this new six-part series to explore research from Dr Makis and other oncologists trying to find creative approaches to helping people facing the death sentence of a stage 4, rapidly spreading cancer with few options to help them.
Our second program in the series will explore the benzimidazole family of existing anti-helminthics medicines and what the research shows about their additional role in cancer therapy. We will take an in-depth look at the many innovative Cancer treatments and re-purposed drugs, such as Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Hydroxychloroquine, Bee Venom and others being ignored in traditional cancer care. We also review how chronic underlying medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and many others have accelerated the damage, facilitating the growth and spread of these turbo cancers leading to early deaths.