Speaker: Jim Houck, who is currently working with Lt. Col. Pete Chambers, D.O. in Operation Lone Star to protect the Texas border with Mexico, joins us to present a first-hand “boots on the ground” update on the invasion of America with the flood of illegals across our borders. He will explain the major threats we face with levels of crime and brutality only rarely ever seen in America, yet that is common to third world countries currently flooding America with the invasion of military age males. Jim has documentation of crimes that he will present as warnings to help us understand the stark new reality of the dire level of violence we now face. Jim will also discuss the ever-growing need for serious personal protection that is not subject to slow response by LE or “jamming” of security devices and alarm systems. Jim has trained K-9 security dogs for 29 years for Law Enforcement (LE) agencies across the US, including: Miami Beach Police, Miami Police, Los Angeles Police, New Orleans Police, and the Los Angeles County Police K-9 Association. Jim was lead K-9 officer for the Lake Arthur Police in New Mexico, a statewide unit that augmented and provided kinetic solutions for all LE statewide, including United States Marshals Service. Jim currently trains K-9 security dogs for private clients and provides a pro bono training service for single mothers and abuse victims in Texas.
Part I introduces these strategies and Part II February 27 will explore specific security and local action options in more detail.