Whistleblower Report – 02.21.24 – Vaccines As Agents of Surveillance

Today’s Whistleblower Report addresses the shopping topic of the ways in which vaccines have been designed by the government to be used in surveillance of people in ways the public is not aware of, and which invades our medical and personal privacy. Our experts are international attorney, Todd Callender, Esq. and his legal researcher, Lisa McGee. In their words: “It has become quite clear that vaccines are significant components in a complex system of operational responsibilities, each with a very distinct presence and purpose. None of them are to protect against a disease and/or “virus”. Each one is a military grade, government-controlled product. These “products” are all for sale; and all are sourced from a combined effort of biological and man-made “bacterium mutated strains”. Many are sourced from aborted fetal cells from both human and non-human species. Examples of non-human being green monkey kidneys, ovaries of fall armyworm moth, to name a few. And almost all are soaked in extremely toxic formulas of bacterium yeast that are aggressive, hostile and destructive. The ingredients are designed and crafted to detonate and cause destructive chaos to an already overly stressed biological environment (already evident in children). As mentioned above, the ingredients are the most harmful grade of mutated, hybrid strains of synthetic bacterium; sourced from both human and non-human sources, plants, molds, and fungus; samples of cowpie, smallpox, and plague, and much more. The bacterium are then infused with chemical compounds that are listed (globally) as environmental contaminants. These ingredients will be trafficked via the ‘vaccine’ as a gene, as a protein/enzyme, and in chemical compound formats. There is nothing “biological” once it reaches the end of the assembly line; and into the bodies of children, and adults. The HHS document (PDF posted with show) is self-authenticating evidence that our government has genetically modified and enhanced the transmissibility – at least – of SARS Cov. We have the US govt owned patents of both SARS-COV. (We believe that) TARS (transmissible, Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is their Disease X and its chimeric SARS-COV with Ebola, Marburg, Ecoli, Staphylococcus, inter Alia”.


42 CFR Part 73

[Docket No. CDC–2021–0119] RIN 0920–AA79


Possession, Use, and Transfer of Select Agents and Toxins—Addition of SARS–CoV/SARS–CoV–2 Chimeric Viruses Resulting From Any Deliberate Manipulation of SARS–CoV–2 To Incorporate Nucleic Acids Coding for SARS–CoV Virulence Factors to the HHS List of Select Agents and Toxins

AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

ACTION: Interim final rule.


These are sites that we discussed. And if you wanted to include, the PDF is the updated HHS – USDA list of selected registered agents and toxins, which many of them are present as ingredients in the “vaccines”

CDC’s World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Control of Influenza


Immunization dashboard


National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS)


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