Whistleblower Report

LEGAL UPDATE: CAPT. SALIBA Pro Se Lawsuit Granted Cert at SCOTUS!

Capt. Bahig Saliba is an American Airlines pilot and whistleblower who has filed several major lawsuits against the airline as a pro se litigant in the District Court of Phoenix, Arizona that challenged the covid jabs and masking of pilots at American Airlines and the airline industry in general. His approach has been to challenge the employment contractual agreement and violations of Federal Aviation Laws, more specifically, the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. The District Court dismissed his claims. He then appealed to the 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco, which also dismissed the case and upheld the lower court’s ruling.

In an inspiring example to all of us as citizens, Capt. Saliba has taken his Pro Se cases to the Supreme Court of the United State. The Writ of Certioraris were docketed on July 21, 2024. The SCOTUS will reconvene in October at which time it will begin to go through docketed cases. He has only submitted the most important questions for the SCOTUS. Please feel free to review the certs which I have provided for Dr. Vliet. They are available on Truth for Health website here: [DOWNLOAD PDF #1] [DOWNLOAD PDF #2]

On another front, the FAA is refusing to investigate serious aviation law violations by the airlines and has suspended –with no reason given—an investigation that was initiated by the FAA’s Office of Audit and Evaluation. This is the FAA’s docket number FAA Disclosure AAE-EHL-20231208-990. Capt. Saliba plans more legal action in the form of a writ of mandamus to force the continuation of the investigation by the FAA. Details for that suit will be available once he has filed it.

We have interviewed Capt. Saliba about his lawsuits a number times –on Faith Over Fear, in our Legal Symposia, and for The Whistleblower Report. Those programs are archived on our website. Capt. Saliba’s actions as one citizen with persistence and dogged determination to seek accountability for the damage perpetrated on airline employees and safety violations affecting the flying public has shown us all what is possible when individual “Davids” take action against the Goliaths of federal agencies and major employers.pan>

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