Hypocrites and Heroes: Paradigm Shift in the COVID Conspiracy

By Major Mike Gary, US Army Reserves CBRN Officer with Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, Preventive Medicine and CEO Truth for Health Foundation

Steven Crowder recently confronted Dr. Jay Varma, the New York City COVID Czar. Dr. Varma was in charge of all health-related matters for New York City at the early stages of the COVID Scamdemic, the epicenter of the entire COVID fiasco. Dr. Varma played a key role in setting social distancing requirements that prevented more than 10 people from gathering in New York City. Hypocritically, at the time he was forcing this mandate on others, he was having elaborate sex parties and orgies with more than 10 people on multiple occasions. Rules for thee, but not for me! This is an all-too-common theme of utter hypocrisy and secrecy has been practiced by the COVID Tyrants.

Crowder appropriately called Varma out as a hypocrite, face to face! There was no physical confrontation, just words and a truthful, powerful display of our First Amendment rights in action. This exceptional investigative journalism by Crowder and his team needs to be repeated across America. The hypocritical COVID tyrants must be challenged and confronted in truth.  We must hold them accountable for their damaging mandates forced on society.

Proverbs 19:21NKJV There are many plans in a man’s heart,
Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.”

During Crowder’s interview, Dr. Varma fully admits on camera that he intentionally made Kyrie Irving’s life a living hell for not getting the COVID shot. Kyie Irving is a very skilled NBA basketball player. He played for the Brooklyn Nets at the height of the COVID shot tyranny. Kyrie wasn’t allowed to play in his own home games for the 2021-2022 season because of the strict shot mandates imposed by Dr. Varma. Kyrie become one of the many famous people at the center of the COVID shot controversy. Kyrie took a strong stand and vowed he wouldn’t take the shot. Kyrie declared “nobody should be forced to do anything with their bodies.” 

For this reason, he was villainized and made an example.  It must have been extremely lonely and difficult to be in his shoes through this period. Kyrie has displayed the true nature of courage and integrity. He is a shining example of what is a true hero: someone who knows the potential adverse consequences and continues stands up unwaveringly to evil.  His choice to take punishment and lose money rather than to give into coercion shows his strong character and his conviction to do what is right, regardless of personal risk.  We are proud of you, Kyrie, with your strong conviction to honor individual bodily autonomy and be an example to others.

Kyrie displays the back-and-forth struggle of someone working hard to find the truth. He’s searching for his belief and It’s hard to know if Kyrie’s stance against the COVID shot was a religious one or just a rejection of one man forcing his will on another. However, Although Kyrie is searching for the truth, his demonstration and conviction puts most people’s display of faith to shame.  There are reports of Kyrie being a practicing Muslim and other reports that he is a devout Christian. Regardless of which religion is the basis for his faith, his actions are an important lesson to all of us.

Christians in particular should open eyes wide and learn from a strong example of a man with rock solid integrity. Whether he is a Christian or not, Kyrie displayed courage and steadfast commitment to his principles and values in the model Christ showed us all as he walked the hill of Golgotha toward the Cross.

Erin Olszewski, a travel nurse whistleblower who worked at Elmhurst Hospital New York, exposed the Doctors-in-training that were refusing to perform CPR on sick patients. These actions helped ramp up the COVID deaths and ensured America would stay locked down. Is Dr. Varma complicit in setting the conditions for some of these deaths? It’s hard to know without an in-depth investigation.

For more information on the COVID early days read Nurse Erin’s book Undercover Epicenter Nurse, follow her on X at NurseErin (@erin_bsn) / X

Dr. Varma inflicted on much damage on others during the COVID restrictions on freedom, while exempting himself and his friends.  We think an investigation of possible conflicts of interests is in order. His financial statements and his official public office communications should be studied with much scrutiny to investigate possible financial and other motives for violating the human and civil rights of New Yorkers. Freedom of Information Acts requests may uncover additional nefarious actions in addition to violating his own rules by participating in orgies and large dance parties. It’s time to identify and hold accountable the hypocrites and reward the heroes.

Brief Overview of this Whistleblower Report:

-Introduction and Background (0:01)

– Crowder interview audio (11:17)

– Final commentary on hypocrites and heros (25:12)


Uncovering the Truth: Is Kyrie Irving Really a Christian? (christianeducatorsacademy.com)

Kyrie Irving Confirms He’s Unvaccinated And Explains Why He Has Refused The Shot (forbes.com)

Kyrie Irving Reacts as Dr. Varma COVID Scandal Comes to Light (worldnewsera.com)

Costing Kyrie Irving $100M, Doctor Brags About Blocking Him From Playing Basketball in Viral Clip – EssentiallySports

“TRUTH Is Always Revealed”: Kyrie Irving Calls Out NYC COVID Policy Architect Responsible for Him Missing Nets Home Games – The SportsRush

Shared post – VarmaGate Part 2: Monkeypox Media Spin | Alex Jones Infowars to be Liquidated (rumble.com)

Ex-NYC COVID Czar Says He’s Pushing Monkeypox Vaccine By Lying To Investors In Part 2 Of Undercover Video Series (infowars.com)

Ex-NYC COVID Czar Admits To Secret Drug-Fueled Orgies During Pandemic In Undercover Video (infowars.com)

For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website www.TruthForHealth.org. Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts. 

Our new Truth for Health Foundation store has exciting new products to improve your health and resilience. Go to: www.ShopTruthforHealth.com Don’t miss our unique formulations of TruMitochondrial™ Boost and TruImmunoglobulin Plus™ to improve energy with improved cellular oxygenation, improve mitochondrial function, and boost the immune system, especially for those who may have had COVID or taken one or more COVID shots. 

All of our exclusive professional formulations of nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, and specialty formulations are manufactured in an FDA-inspected certified current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) facility and are carefully vetted by Dr. Vliet and our medical team.  100% of the profits go to support our public charity missions.  

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