
Thank you, Bill Gates

Truth for Health Foundation takes this time to recognize the work of William Henry “Bill” Gates III, self-ordained medical expert, scientist, and hobby climatologist. Hats off to your massive and involuntary contributions to Truth for Health Foundation.

From becoming a filthy rich monopolistic software deca-billionaire you naturally morphed into a medical and science expert working closely with and funding heavily the highly-nefarious World “Health” Organization (WHO). In fact you’re the second biggest donor in WHO history at 88% of the total amount donated by philanthropic foundations to the WHO (

You donate so generously to the WHO that you promoted actual health experts like Kelly Lee, Professor of Public Health at Simon Fraser University, to say that the sheer size of the funds from the Gates Foundation compromises WHO independence. “‘He who pays the piper plays the tune’ as the old saying goes,” Lee said. “…there are also important questions to be raised about good governance including the accountability, representativeness and legitimacy of having a single [Gates] foundation be so influential. The current system is frankly undemocratic”. Can you say “plandemic”?

Your investment-centered business model is second to none. Unlike ours, where we built Truth for Health Foundation by our bootstraps with small individual donations, avoiding accepting dark corporate money, or worse, corrupted government or big pharma funding. Yes, you showed everyone how to make human suffering into real money. In fact by your own math, your $10,000,000,000 (billion) investment in “vaccines” returned “20 to one”. Meaning $200-Billion in returns by our math.

“Vaccines” like the ones that sterilized countless innocent people from Africa to India. Go, Dr. Mr. Bill, go.

It’s people like you, Mr. Dr. Gates, who gave us the energy to create Truth for Health Foundation, a one-stop shop for Americans who want actual truth in science, medicine, health and wellness. At Truth for Health, Americans can get everything from whistleblower reports on organizations like the WHO, to ultra-high quality vitamins, nutraceuticals and supplements, giving Americans back control over medical truth, their health, wellness and vitality.
Truth for Health Foundation gives Americans the actual truth behind nut-job “climate change”, 5G (anyone’s phone signal improve after millions of 5G emitters went up worldwide in record time during a so-called “supply chain shortage”?) and much more.
Take your curious new product 3-NOP, a toxic chemical you funded, Dr. Mr. Bill, that is being trialed in milk-cows in Britain and fed to unwitting living Humans via British supermarkets that supposedly somehow reduces the cow’s “climate emissions”…? Considering North America used to be covered by hundreds of millions; and over centuries hundreds of billions; of North American Bison, and the world didn’t explode, the concept that cows—virtually identical internally to Bison, with nearly bio-identical “emissions”—are somehow driving your profit-driven business model of “climate change”—whatever the hell that means—is not only imbecilic, it’s just the sort of motivation we need to stay late, work weekends, often work for free, and give Truth for Health Foundation everything we’ve got.

And let’s not forget APEEL, a chemical coating you funded that is applied to vegetables, which has highly toxic effects on Humans and cannot be washed off. Clever move not being able to wash it off. One would almost wonder if it’s not better to simply let a carrot go bad now and then, rather than poison folks. But then there’s that “20 to one” returns goal to break.

We could literally go on for days discussing your huge contributions to our motivation to turn Truth for Health Foundation into the most trusted source for Americans looking for truth in science, medicine, health and wellness.

But suffice to say, without people like Mr. Dr. William Henry “Bill” Gates, III, we could have never had the drive, the ferocity, the zeal required to build a ground-up truth-seeker national charity like Truth for Health Foundation. Thank you, Dr. Mr. Bill. You’re an evergreen inspiration to us all. You’re in our imprecatory prayers. Every night.

Thank you!

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD and the Truth for Health Team
Welcome to Little Pharma.
Where evil finds no purchase.

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