• Faith Over Fear – 07.09.24 – Emergency Preparedness  

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    Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD & Major Mike Gary Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD & Major Mike Gary

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  • Faith Over Fear – 07.02.24 – Independence Day 2024: Celebrating God’s Gift of Liberty  

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    Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD & Major Mike Gary

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  • Faith Over Fear – 06.25.24 – Amyloid and Alzheimer’s – The New Cover-Up for Covid Vaccine Injury


    6/25/24:  Amyloid and Alzheimer’s – The New Cover-Up for Covid Vaccine Injury Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD and Kathy Kresnik Amyloid Reduction Support This Truth For Health Foundation collection of supplements contain ingredients that research studies have shown can slow the progression amyloidosis and reduce organ damage from the amyloid deposits. www.TruthForHealthStore.com

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  • 2024 Truth For Health Foundation: Fast Facts


    What We’ve Accomplished… We celebrate three years of hard work and dedication from our team of warriors for truth, freedom and health. I am incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished in our first 3 years at the Truth for Health Foundation.  I promise to continue fighting, every day, for your health and basic human rights. …

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  • Ark Midnight – 06.08.24 – Intelligence Briefing


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  • Faith Over Fear – 06.18.24 – The “Avian Flu” Hoax: Strategies to Combat the Propaganda of Fear

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    6/18/24: The “Avian Flu” Hoax: Strategies to Combat the Propaganda of Fear Speaker: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD TruLeptin Modulator™ An advanced, science-based strategy for positively affecting leptin levels. Healthy leptin activity helps balance energy intake and expenditure by influencing appetite, food cravings, and metabolism. www.TruthForHealthStore.com

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  • SGT Report – The 3 Devils – Dr. Vliet & Todd Callender


    Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back to expose the crimes of the new world order, the Biden administration, big pharma and much more – thanks for tuning in.

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  • Faith Over Fear – 06.11.2024 – “Long Covid” and Vaccine Injury: Case Studies on Treatment Speaker

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    Special Guest Host: Harpal Mangat. MD Dr. Harpal Mangat, respected DC physician who innovated with early therapy in his testimony thanks his patients for pushing him to work with medications and help them avoid the hospital. High dose steroids in the inflammatory phase was a key part of the program. @SenRonJohnson pic.twitter.com/kEIQvcTpgv — Peter A.…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 05.28.24


    May 28: J6 Explained: Asymmetric Warfare Against the American People, Major Mike Gary Maj Mike Gary presents a summary and the significance of recent Congressional testimony on the US Capitol events of January 6, 2021 (J-6) that changes our entire understanding of what actually took place that day. Join us for this program on DC…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 05.21.24 – Asymmetric Warfare


    Our expert on asymmetric warfare and K-9 training, Jim Houck, joins us for another hard-hitting program. Jim has a 30-year career training specialized K-9s with Law Enforcement (LE) agencies across the US, including: Miami Beach Police, Miami Police, Los Angeles Police (the largest law enforcement agency in the Western Hemisphere and likely the world), New…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 05.14.24 – The Book of Acts: Relevance of Pentecost for Today’s Times


    with Major Mike Gary

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  • Faith Over Fear – 05.07.24 – Richard Gage, AIA, with PART II: “The Astounding Parallels of 9/11 & COVID: Expose of Government Tactics”


    Architect and technical engineer Richard Gage will continue the discussion of the parallels between 9/11 and COVID in Part II this week beginning with a detailed video and analysis of the collapse of WTV7 and what the evidence shows led to that, when it was not hit by one of the planes. TruBio D3 TruBioD3™…

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  • URGENT MESSAGE: Eugenics Cult Coming for our Bodily Autonomy and Lives!!

    According to Attorney Reggie Littlejohn, we’re about to lose our Republic to a foreign eugenics organization that will be able to force quarantines, masks, medical treatments (vaccines), lockdowns, and digital ID’s if this treaty passes on May 27th. TruBio D3 TruBioD3™ contains vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in convenient softgels. Vitamin D3 is the bioidentical form of…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.30.24 – Richard Gage, AIA “The Astounding Parallels of 9/11 & COVID


     It has become critically important to go back and review the evidence that clearly demonstrates the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were a govt orchestrated “inside job” to carry out a broader agenda because it has become abundantly apparent that COVID used same playbook and tactics carried out with the 9/11…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.23.24 – 911 Truths from Pilot Capt. Dan Hanley


    APRIL 23: 911 Truths from Pilot Whistleblowers Speaker: Capt. Dan Hanley Captain Dan Hanley is a retired US Navy and commercial airline pilot who has flown airplanes his entire working life, first as a civilian, then as a US naval aviator and finally as a United Airlines pilot. Over the course of a 35-year aviation career he…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.16.24 – Mycoplasma Stealth Infections


    Speaker: Dr. Garth L. Nicolson, MD, PhD with current medical insights commentary by Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD and Major Mike Gary, CBRN officer. Dr. Garth L. Nicolson is an American cell biologist and founder of The Institute for Molecular Medicine at California, where he serves as the president, chief scientific officer, and emeritus professor of…

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.09.24 – Geoengineering/Climate Engineering/Weather Warfare


    Speaker: Dane Wigington, lead researcher, GeoengineeringWatch.org and contributor to TFh Whistleblower Reports on the Environment TruChelate Designed to help the body rid itself of damaging oxidative elements & environmental toxins. www.TruthForHealthStore.com

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  • Faith Over Fear – 04.02.24 –  National Security Update with Ed Haugland, National Expert in Cognitive Warfare


    USAF Veteran Edward Haugland is the author of The Cognitive War: Why We Are Losing and How We can Win, published in August 23, 2023. For our April program, Mr. Haugland will cover two important national security related issues from his perspective and experience over 4 decades serving at multiple Intelligence Community and Department of Defense…

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    Vascular Health & Resilience Support Well-researched, citrus-based flavonoids in a unique micronized form for enhanced absorption and bioavailability. www.TruthForHealthStore.com Testimonies from the vaccine injured & families that have lost children to covid shots. Hear from Lawyers, Doctors & more on the front lines fighting for awareness, accountability, resources & change!

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  • Faith Over Fear – 03.19.24 – Weaponized Mycoplasma by Dr. Garth Nicholson


    MARCH 19 : Weaponized Mycoplasma by Dr. Garth Nicholson with commentary by Dr. Vliet Dr. Garth L. Nicolson is an American cell biologist and founder of The Institute for Molecular Medicine at California, where he serves as the president, chief scientific officer, and emeritus professor of molecular pathology. He is editor of the Journal of…

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