Faith Over Fear, Hormones & Health, Lifestyle, Media and Podcasts, Programs, TFH Shows

FAITH Over Fear August 13, 2024 America’s Future: Two Starkly Contrasting Visions ~ Biblical and Political Perspectives

We focus on the founding vision for America as a Constitutional Republic inspired by Divine Providence and the stark contrast we face today with the antithesis of Marxism totalitarianism plan for America being escalated by dark forces of the NWO, global predators, Communist/Marxist and Muslim countries seeking total dominion over God’s creation, including America.  We will discuss how spiritual warfare being fought by dark spirits and powers in outside principalities is materializing into this, the material realm, and affecting us Humans, America and the world. We will discuss how to spot this phenomenon, how to translate it, and how to defeat it. For material is spirit, just as ice is water.

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