
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya for Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Petition in Support of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya for Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

We, the undersigned,

Express our unwavering support for the appointment of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). A distinguished physician, professor, and public health advocate, Dr. Bhattacharya brings a wealth of expertise, integrity, and a commitment to evidence-based science that aligns with the core mission of advancing health and medical innovation while upholding individual freedoms and informed decision-making.

Alignment with the Truth for Health Foundation’s Mission

Dr. Bhattacharya’s principles resonate strongly with the mission and goals of the Truth for Health Foundation (TFH). The TFH has been a staunch advocate for medical freedom, patient-centered care, and ethical health practices. Their efforts to defend individual rights during the COVID-19 pandemic, including challenging unlawful mandates and promoting informed consent, mirror Dr. Bhattacharya’s dedication to empowering individuals and communities.

Together, Dr. Bhattacharya’s leadership at the NIH and the TFH’s advocacy for transparency and freedom will advance a public health system that values ethical decision-making and respects individual autonomy while promoting population health.

A Visionary Leader for Public Health

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is a professor at Stanford University with decades of experience in epidemiology, health policy, and medical economics. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated an unparalleled ability to assess complex public health challenges, advocate for rational, data-driven policies, and foster open scientific discourse. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Bhattacharya emerged as a leading voice advocating against widespread lockdowns and vaccine mandates, emphasizing their harmful impacts on public health, economic stability, and societal well-being.

His co-authorship of the Great Barrington Declaration—a call for focused protection for the most vulnerable populations while avoiding broad societal restrictions—highlighted his commitment to balancing science, compassion, and practicality. This approach offers a path forward for rebuilding trust in public health institutions by promoting transparency, evidence-based recommendations, and policies rooted in ethical principles.

Restoring Trust in Public Health Institutions

The National Institutes of Health, with an annual budget of over 47 billion dollars, plays a pivotal role in guiding the nation's biomedical research and health policies, in effect controlling the direction of most major public health and medical research directions and focus. In recent years, trust in these institutions has waned due to perceived politicization, heavy influence from Big Pharma and other major corporate interests, lack of transparency, and a disconnect from the needs of the public. Dr. Bhattacharya’s appointment would mark a turning point, ushering in a new era of accountability, collaboration, and evidence-based innovation. His willingness to challenge the status quo and engage in open scientific dialogue ensures that diverse perspectives inform public health policies.

Support Dr. Jay Bhattacharya for Director of the NIH and advocate for a future where science and freedom thrive together.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya exemplifies the qualities needed to lead the NIH into a future defined by scientific excellence, transparency, and public trust. His expertise, ethical commitment, and alignment with foundational principles of health freedom make him uniquely qualified to restore confidence in this critical institution.

We urge the Senate to confirm Dr. Jay Bhattacharya as Director of the NIH. His leadership will prioritize the health and well-being of all Americans while safeguarding the principles of medical ethics and informed consent. By supporting his appointment, we take a decisive step toward rebuilding a public health system that respects individual rights and upholds the highest standards of scientific integrity.



%%your signature%%

This Petition and its signatures will be passed on to members of congress to show the will of the American People. Thank you for your support of Truth for Health Foundation - 501(C)(3) public charity

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