
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Appointment as Secretary of Health and Human Services

Petition in Support of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Appointment as Secretary of Health and Human Services

We, the undersigned,

Strongly support the appointment of attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services. RFK Jr. brings a legacy of public service and advocacy rooted in public health, ensuring accountability, promoting informed consent, and safeguarding individual rights to decide medical treatments and vaccinations based on full disclosure of risks, benefits and complete information on all ingredients.

Alignment with the Truth for Health Foundation’s Mission

The Truth for Health Foundation, a respected public charity dedicated to medical freedom and educational programs to enhance physicial-emotional-spiritual wellbeing, health and resilience and exposing adverse side effects suppressed by for-profit corporate and government agendas. As a foundation deeply committed to advancing public health, medical transparency, and individual freedoms, especially medical freedom, our mission aligns well with RFK Jr.’s demonstrated values and track record of public health and vaccine safety advocacy and legal action over many years.

RFK, Jr. has demonstrated his commitment to transparency and his willingness to challenge entrenched medical and public health systems for the benefit of all Americans. His leadership promises to refocus HHS to address the critical medical and public health issues facing us today.

The current challenges, ignored or actually worsened by recent Secretaries of HHS, include medical and public health topics that have been a cornerstone of the Truth for Health Foundation mission since its inception in 2007: vaccination safety and disclosure of all ingredients, the high cost of prescription drugs, elimination of toxic ingredients and endocrine disrupting chemicals in foods, reduction of environmental contaminants leading to chronic illness, elimination of third-party obstacles to more cost-effective and individualized medical services, and the promotion of preventive medical services tailored to evidence of safety and effectiveness.

Truth for Health Foundation mission includes empowering individuals to take proactive roles in their medical care and health management, advocating for evidence-based treatments, and defending medical freedoms, including vaccine choice and patient rights. The Foundation was an early and vocal supporter of citizens’ medical freedom rights during the COVID-19 pandemic, standing against unlawful mandates related to vaccines and masks.

Truth for Health Foundation took the lead on many initiatives, such as early outpatient home treatment for COVID illness, identification of the COVID vaccine adverse effects in numerous international press conferences, development of a citizens vaccine injury reporting system to do the job not being done by VAERS. In alignment with Robert F. Kennedy’s advocacy for food and vaccine safety, Truth for Health programs saved lives with home treatment and reduced deadly hospital admissions during the 2020 pandemic in the emphasis on individualized medical care versus one-size-fits-all government mandates.

Supporting Health Freedom and Transparency

RFK Jr.’s advocacy resonates with our Foundation goals, as he has consistently called for rigorous safety testing of medical interventions, vaccines, and greater public accountability in food safety and public health policy. His position as chair for the Children’s Health Defense demonstrated his commitment to ending childhood health epidemics by eliminating toxic exposure, restoring and protecting health by eliminating environmental exposures, and establishing safeguards to prevent future harm.

All Americans who care about children should get behind RFK’s mission to bring his years of knowledge and experience regarding vaccines for children and provide HHS with a necessary balance to public health strategies, ensuring they are rooted in science, without bias and with dedication to the principle of fully informed consent.

A Vision for Restored Trust

RFK Jr.’s appointment represents a pivotal opportunity to rebuild public trust in our health care institutions. During his presidential run he called for a “break” in dangerous infectious disease gain-of-function research and mRNA technology. His dedication to ethical practices, public transparency, and patient-centered approaches, including the principle of informed consent, aligns with the pressing need to address systemic challenges in the U.S. health care system. Under his guidance, HHS has the potential to become a beacon of safety, innovation and accountability, fostering an environment where science and compassion guide health policy decisions.

Support RFK Jr. as the change agent our nation needs to advance health freedom and restore faith in our public health institutions. His leadership will prioritize the well-being of all Americans while respecting fundamental freedoms. By supporting his appointment, we affirm our commitment to a patient-first health care system that values integrity, transparency, and the empowerment of individuals to make informed decisions about their health.

Please sign our petition to urge the Senate to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination to HHS. Together, let us champion leadership that upholds the highest standards of public health and medical ethics.




%%your signature%%

This Petition and its signatures will be passed on to members of congress to show the will of the American People. Thank you for your support of Truth for Health Foundation - 501(C)(3) public charity

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