HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruC + BioFlav

Shop TruC+BioFlav™ Here You may have heard about English sailors eating limes on long sea voyages to prevent scurvy and earning the nickname “limeys.” Eating limes provided a source of vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin essential to humans. Most mammals can synthesize vitamin C, but humans cannot …


To Dr. Tony Fauci, Thank You…

Over the last four years you’ve inspired us. You pushed us. You constantly encouraged us to make Truth for Health everything it is today. You drove us forward with every word you uttered, with every action you took, with every mandate you promoted on national …

HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruMitochondrial Boost

Shop TruMitochondrial Boost™ Here Looking to boost your mitochondria function to increase cellular energy output and boost your overall energy? Looking for a supplement with antioxidant capacity that is 10 times better than polyphenols found in fruits and vegetables and 34 times more effective than glutathione? TruMitochondrial™ Boost with …

HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruOmegaPure

Shop TruOmegaPure™ Here fter trying many Fish oil supplements myself and having some unpleasant side effects, and also seeing some of the adverse GI effects of concentrated fish oils for many patients over the years, I have finally found a truly unique Omega 3 fatty acid (Fish …


Requiem For A Squirrel

Requiem For A Squirrel by Attorney Jeff Childers in Coffee and COVID newsletter I really encourage all of you to take time to read this outstanding analysis of a government out of control – and WHY this story of Peanut the pet squirrel and Fred the …

Health Tip from Dr. Vliet – TruMicroVascular™

TruMicroVascular™ contains well-researched, citrus-based flavonoids in a unique micronized form for enhanced absorption and bioavailability. Extensive research over decades suggests that these compounds support healthy veins, capillaries, and blood flow; promote healthy lymphatic drainage; and enhance antioxidant activity; and support healthy eicosanoid metabolism. More recent research …