5G, News


SimplyHired job posting for Emergency Management Specialist They really are this bold folks.  Their playbook calls for a hemorrhagic fever outbreak, so it looks like they’re going to try it at some point.   Even so, there is something moving in the background that keeps frustrating their extermination mission.  We’re not supposed to be here right …


‘It’s Murder’: Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA’s Shocking New Move

Originally Published @ AmericanThinker.com By Stella Paul Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal record during COVID.  Experts claimed that it would stop COVID; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.  Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been …

FAITH OVER FEAR – 7.18.23 – Turn Your Back Yard into Resources for Self-Sufficiency, Health & Resilience

Learn from the steps two families have taken to provide healthier food options for their families as we face more and more sources of contamination of our food supply with mRNA “vaccines” for livestock and vegetables, increasing environmental endocrine disrupters and food additives that are inflammatory and disrupt our endocrine systems. Navy Commander Rob Green, …

The Truth About 15 Minutes Cities and the Electronic Prison

A critically important interview with international attorney Todd Callender, and Israel News host Tamar Yonah. Listen here: Quoting Todd Callender, Esq: “15-minute cities are already in existence – Cleveland (Ohio) is our first 15 minute city and there are a dozen right behind it. England already has some as well as other European countries. The …

FAITH OVER FEAR – 07.11.23 – CONNECTING THE DOTS ~ WHAT’S BEHIND WHAT’S COMING? Your action steps to prepare.

Presented by:Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD. Preventive and Climacteric MedicineKathy Kresnik, Director of Health and Resilience How are all the events we face now connected to a classified plan put forth by Henry Kissinger for the US Govt in 1974? Dr. Vliet connects the dots to show connections with today. And then…What if you lost electricity, …


Moderators: Dr. Vliet and Attorney Warner Mendenhall, Esq.I. PRO SE Litigation: Holding Government Accountable presented by Brian Ames, who has sued and won cases as high as the Supreme Court – without an attorney!II. PRO SE Litigation: Pilot Suit Against Major Airline and Pilots Union Presented by Capt. Bahig Saliba, whose Pro Se case is …