HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet: TruFiber™Lean

I am excited to introduce another incredible product to help your healthy weight loss efforts for improved fat loss, while preserving lean mass and bone: TruFiber™ Lean. TruFiber Lean™ This fiber has been studied for its viscosity and for its stability through the digestive tract; …

Faith Over Fear – 06.18.24 – The “Avian Flu” Hoax: Strategies to Combat the Propaganda of Fear

6/18/24: The “Avian Flu” Hoax: Strategies to Combat the Propaganda of Fear Speaker: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD TruLeptin Modulator™ An advanced, science-based strategy for positively affecting leptin levels. Healthy leptin activity helps balance energy intake and expenditure by influencing appetite, food cravings, and metabolism.