Legal Symposium II

This month’s Legal Symposium features attorneys in the legal specialties of Workman’s Compensation, Employment Law (EEOC), False Claims Act, and Criminal Suits discussing avenues for legal help for those subjected to the unlawful mandates for unlicensed, experimental EUA medical products during the COVID pandemic: “vaccines,” masks, and test kits.  Join us for a powerful educational …

Stupidocrisy: The Howard Dean scream

It’s like a voice from the deep dark past of the annals of political history. Former Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean is back in the news. In 2005, Dean continuously pounded George W. Bush, Republicans and “white Christians” for not defending or protecting America. Of course, that was during the “war on terror,” translated “Islamic …

Dr. Mike Yeadon and Hedley Rees Describe Pharma’s Descent into Doomsday

Career Pharma executives and insiders, Dr. Mike Yeadon and Hedley Rees, in a shocking exposé, discuss evidence that Pharma executives and researchers demonstrated “malice aforethought,” knew the pandemic was coming, planned for it over the last 25 years, engaged in clinical trial fraud, improper and unsafe manufacturing to produce unlicensed products that have led to the global doomsday of …