Faith Over Fear – 03.26.24 – Biblical Perspective on AI and Transhumanism

MARCH 26: Biblical Perspective on AI and Transhumanism with Major Mike Gary and Dr. Steven J. Smith  Dr. Steven J. Smith provides an overview of just how close we are to a transhuman society. While many in the churches are finally tackling the evil transgenderism agenda, the bio-engineering/transhumanism agenda has quietly contaminated all walks of …


Vascular Health & Resilience Support Well-researched, citrus-based flavonoids in a unique micronized form for enhanced absorption and bioavailability. Testimonies from the vaccine injured & families that have lost children to covid shots. Hear from Lawyers, Doctors & more on the front lines fighting for awareness, accountability, resources & change!

Faith Over Fear – 03.19.24 – Weaponized Mycoplasma by Dr. Garth Nicholson

MARCH 19 : Weaponized Mycoplasma by Dr. Garth Nicholson with commentary by Dr. Vliet Dr. Garth L. Nicolson is an American cell biologist and founder of The Institute for Molecular Medicine at California, where he serves as the president, chief scientific officer, and emeritus professor of molecular pathology. He is editor of the Journal of …

Faith Over Fear – 03.12.24 – Financial Update with Tory Aggeler

MARCH 12: Financial Update with Tory Aggeler, Senior Precious Metals Advisor, McAlvany Precious Metals. One of our most popular and respected experts is b ack by many requests for an update on the financial turmoil, rising debt, continued printing of money leading to alarming inflation and threats of dollar collapse being used to usher in Central …

HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruOmegaPure

Shop TruOmegaPure™ Here fter trying many Fish oil supplements myself and having some unpleasant side effects, and also seeing some of the adverse GI effects of concentrated fish oils for many patients over the years, I have finally found a truly unique Omega 3 fatty acid (Fish Oil) supplement I am confident in recommending: TruOmegaPure™ Health benefits of …

Faith Over Fear – 03.05.2024 – The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb

Host: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets and …