Mother Blames “Vaccinated Blood” for the Death of Her One-Month-Old Baby Who Died from Blood Clot Following Blood Transfusion

The Gateway Pundit report on one-month-old baby, Alexander, who died from a blood clot following the transfusion of COVID vaccinated blood. “He got a blood clot instantly after receiving his transfusion”, reports Alexander’s mom. The blood clot could not be resolved with the use of any blood thinning agent. CLICK HERE READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Top of Mind

An I&I/TIPP Poll, conducted from August 2-4 among 1,335 adults nationwide, shows that 59% are “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about Joe Biden’s mental health. Just 39% said they are “not very concerned” or “not at all concerned”. Only 2% said they were “not sure.” The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage …

Stupidocrisy: The government god complex

Florida Republican governor Ron DeSantis has declared an emergency over Hurricane Ian. Amidst evacuation and contingency plans, DeSantis had to deal with another distraction by Joe Biden and the federal government—COVID vaccinations. Biden is saying that “A vital part for preparing for hurricane season is to get vaccinated now. Everything is more complicated if you’re …

Faith Over Fear – 9.27.2022

THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: PART II:Transhumanism on Steroids: Impact of Biden’s Executive Order Speakers: Steve Smith, PhD, Author of 30 Days to Christian Meditation with Guest Speaker, Leo HohmannThe global elites, working with Big Tech, Big Pharma, and major military researchers, have been quietly advancing Transhumanism philosophically and technologically for decades. Transhumanism is now being forced …

Medical Martial Law Coming to Your State? Here’s What You Need to Know

Although stopped for now in New York state, shockingly, this regulatory framework has already passed into law in Florida, Alaska, and Washington state, which have all adopted the “Turning Point” model legislation. Similar initiatives are making their way state by state, and are in various stages of the legislative process. Today’s Whistleblower Report documents the legal framework and plans going back …

Major FAA Lawsuit and Biden’s Transhumanism September 12 Executive Order

Dangers to the flying public, and those on the ground in the event of an air disaster with a military or civilian plane crash are very real threats with the vaccine-induced damage to commercial and military pilots. Legal and Medical Whistleblowers have come forward with dire warnings to the FAA that have been ignored. Dire …

FLCCC Physicians Persecuted For Saving Lives

Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory, two of the world’s leading pulmonary medicine and critical care physicians and co-founders of the Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance, led the successful treatment of critically ill COVID patients with combination, sequenced multi-drug interventions based on Ivermectin and other older safer medicines. In spite of having a medication strategy …

Bipartisan effort to censor free speech?

The insidious informal relationship between big tech companies and corporate media that has resulted in information control and censorship will become formalized with a bill working its way through the Senate, falsely named the “Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA).” The Democrat initiated bill would create a national news cartel that, in collaboration with big …