HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruChelate

TruChelate™ is designed to help the body eliminate damaging elements generated by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body. The imbalance causes damage to organs and tissues and can result in chronic diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other inflammatory diseases. …

Faith Over Fear – 2.6.24 – The Hidden Threats of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Hidden Threats of Artificial Intelligence (AI)Media and big tech have been abuzz over Artificial Intelligence or AI for the better part of a decade, but few actually understand what it is, how it works, and why it is potentially so dangerous. In this week’s installment of Faith Over Fear we will be examining the …

Health Tip from Dr. Vliet – TruMicroVascular™

TruMicroVascular™ contains well-researched, citrus-based flavonoids in a unique micronized form for enhanced absorption and bioavailability. Extensive research over decades suggests that these compounds support healthy veins, capillaries, and blood flow; promote healthy lymphatic drainage; and enhance antioxidant activity; and support healthy eicosanoid metabolism. More recent research suggests that the components in TruMicroVascular™ also support blood glucose metabolism. Shop TruMicroVascular™ HereTruMicroVascular™ contains diosmin, …

Faith Over Fear – 1.30.24 – Threats to Your Freedom: THE US BORDER CRISIS

Lt. Col. (Ret) Dr. Peter C. Chambers, US Army (Ret) Green Beret, Combat Physician and Flight Surgeon. Doc Chambers discusses the Texas stand against the invasion of our country organized, funded and carried out by the Biden Administration, the UN, NGOs (including Catholic and Protestant Charities receiving taxpayer dollars from the US Government). He also discusses …

Legal Symposium: Legal Avenues for Remdesivir and COVID injection injury

 with Attorney Warner Mendenhall, Esq. and moderated by Dr. Vliet. This seminar is for lawyers and the lay public interested in learning more about new avenues for lawsuits on behalf of those injured by the experimental COVID shots, or anyone with a family member who died as result of being the COVID injections or Remdesivir …