
Polyethylene Glycol Immunogenicity: Theoretical, Clinical, and Practical Aspects of Anti-Polyethylene Glycol Antibodies

Some people have pre-existing antibodies that can bind to PEG, which can adversely impact drug efficacy and safety. With widespread use of SARS-CoV-2 RNA vaccines that incorporate PEG in lipid nanoparticles, understanding possible effects of anti-PEG antibodies on PEG containing medicines is critical. This article provides the reader with an understanding of PEG immunogenicity and …



Dr. Vliet and Attorney Todd Callender expose the massive cover up by Big Pharma, FDA, NIAID, and CDC of the data showing the brain damage that is occurring with these experimental covert shots and the science showing how that occurs, which was known prior to the release of the experimental COVID “vaccines.” Attorney Callender explains …


The Ill Fated DOD Anthrax Vaccine Mandate & What It Means For the EUA COVID Experimental Gene Therapy Shot Mandate

What’s the story with what happened with the Anthrax Vaccine and how does that relate to what is goin on in the US Military with the Emergency Use Authorization Experimental gene therapy shots for COVID? What did the DOD do when we had the Anthrax Vaccine required for deployment in that era? What legal challenges …


Monkeypox Ahead of WHO Vote: More Fear Plandemic Underway

Originally Published on America Out Loud The story in the media is disingenuous. Headlines exaggerate the risk to people in America, Europe, Canada, and Australia. These G7 wealthy countries are the lucrative targets for selling more vaccines and the targets of the World Health Organization’s takeover of public health control. Unless you have been living under a …


Dr. McCullough: ‘Medical crisis’ is being exploited to push global government

Originally Published at Life Site News BATH, England (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Peter McCullough on Friday sketched what he believes is the true purpose of an induced COVID “medical crisis”: global world government. “What we’re seeing now is the utilization of vaccines as an inroad to global human compliance. Subjugation of the entire world’s population at …