From our Director of Evidence-Based Medicine and Research Methodology, Dr. Paul Alexander (see his full BIO under About Us) “To reject the creeping totalitarianism and dictatorship is the lifeblood of all freedom-loving individuals across the world. Those under despotic control yearn for freedom. We need only to look at the failing state of Hong Kong, …

Pastor Stephen Broden discusses COVID vaccinations and role of churches in STOP the SHOT!

August 4, 2021; Truth for Health Foundation(~ 5 min; Rumble) Pastor Stephen Broden: Truth for Health Foundation Board of Directors member, Founder and Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship, Dallas, TX; Executive Director, Content of Character Series, Co-Founder of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, discusses the role of the Church and possible risk of …

MY Story

Unfortunately the doctors were unwilling to even admit the possibility of the contribution of the vaccine.

AUG 8, 2021Anonymous (Kentucky, USA) In February, my 79-year-old mother was rushed to the hospital as her blood pressure was rapidly dropping and she was struggling to stay alert. After spending the mandatory 24 hours in COVID protocol, and testing negative, she was taken to a hospital room. I’m her daughter, and was absolutely shocked …

Sister DeDe discusses vaccines & pro-life issues in STOP the SHOT!

August 4, 2021; Truth for Health Foundation(~ 5 min, Rumble) Sr. Deirdre Byrne, POSC, retired US military surgeon, practicing physician and medical missionary in Baltimore, MD. Member of Truth for Health Foundation Advisory Council and Catholics for Preservation of Life initiative, discusses COVID vaccines and pro-life issues.

Prominent Law Professor Sues His School Over Vaccine Policy

Imposing a constitutionally dubious vaccine policy at a public university that not only has some of the top classical liberal law professors in the country but is also intimately connected with a global network of freedom advocates is a recipe for a lawsuit. That’s exactly what George Mason University learned recently when it imposed a school-wide vaccine mandate for students, faculty, …

US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients

BY LJDEVON When physicians receive their medical license, they must pronounce their intellectual devotion and allegiance to the vaccine industry and its myriad of false narratives. Any healthcare professional who dares question “the science” risks losing their medical license. Any doctor who speaks out-of-line against forceful vaccine propaganda could be stripped of their title; their …