The present COVID-19 vaccines violate all 10 tenets of the Nuremberg Medical Ethics Code…

June 30, 2021 Howard Tenenbaum, DDS, PhDPaul E. Alexander, MSc, PhDParvez Dara, MD, MBA We sought to examine how many of the Nuremberg Medical ethics codes are being breached by the present COVID-19 vaccine roll out given these codes were devised to constrain medical experimentation which would allow proper protections of the subject/participant/vaccinee. “Fifty years …

MY Story

Every fiber of my being tells me not to participate in this experiment with my body.

AUG 4 2021Anonymous (North Carolina, USA) No “health authority” has proven to isolate the “Covid disease causing virus from a single human being, therefore, can not be transmitted from one person to another. The testing method for “the virus” is now being withdrawn, because, almost unbelievably, the “authorities admit it does not serve the purpose …

Investigative Corona Committee Germany

as referenced by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in the “STOP the SHOT” event of August 4, 2021, brought to you by Truth for Health Foundation Corona Committee Foundation ( Since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee Foundation (Germany) has been investigating in live sessions lasting several hours why the federal and state governments have imposed unprecedented restrictions …

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons dismantles push to mandate COVID vaccines for all

July 29, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) “Please see this bold post as the vaccine program fails with ineffective and unsafe vaccines that have American’s recoiling from ill-advised mandates.” – Dr. Peter McCullough July 29, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — In response to a “Joint Statement” of various medical organizations supporting employer mandates of experimental mRNA COVID-19 gene-therapy injections for approximately …


HEALTHY SPIRIT: A Letter From Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD

“We cannot fragment our healing efforts by declaring them medical or spiritual but recognize only the total synchronizing process of healing, for the goal is wholeness and harmony”  – Alexis Guirdham For your health journey, As you seek to understand all that has happened to drain your energy, zest, vitality and well-being, I share ancient …