Did you know that organ starvation for oxygen and nutrients is one reason for diseases and declining health to begin in the body? When the capillaries begin to lose their …
Health Tip: TruQuercetin 20X Plus – Designed for Respiratory Challenges. Relief and much more!
Shop TruQuercetin 20X Plus™ Here Health Tip: TruQuercetin 20X Plus – Designed for Respiratory Challenges. Relief and much more! Respiratory system challenges may be seasonal in some individuals or year-round in …
HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruC + BioFlav
Shop TruC+BioFlav™ Here You may have heard about English sailors eating limes on long sea voyages to prevent scurvy and earning the nickname “limeys.” Eating limes provided a source of …
HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruMitochondrial Boost
Shop TruMitochondrial Boost™ Here Looking to boost your mitochondria function to increase cellular energy output and boost your overall energy? Looking for a supplement with antioxidant capacity that is 10 times better …
HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruVitamin E Full Spectrum
Shop TruVitamin E Full Spectrum™ Here Many of you may be taking “Vitamin E” thinking you are getting an important antioxidant. But did you know that the majority of vitamin …
HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet Featuring – TruImmunoglobulin™ Complex
Shop TruImmunoglobulin™ Here With all the media and WHO fear-mongering about the “next pandemic,” “disease X,” and the “highly pathogenic Avian flu,” as we discussed in our Whistleblower Report above, I wanted …
HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruOmegaPure
Shop TruOmegaPure™ Here fter trying many Fish oil supplements myself and having some unpleasant side effects, and also seeing some of the adverse GI effects of concentrated fish oils for many patients …
Health Tip from Dr. Vliet – TruMicroVascular™
TruMicroVascular™ contains well-researched, citrus-based flavonoids in a unique micronized form for enhanced absorption and bioavailability. Extensive research over decades suggests that these compounds support healthy veins, capillaries, and blood flow; promote …
HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet: TruFiber™Lean
I am excited to introduce another incredible product to help your healthy weight loss efforts for improved fat loss, while preserving lean mass and bone: TruFiber™ Lean. TruFiber Lean™ This …
HEALTH TIP from Dr. Vliet – TruProbiotic™ Lean
At the turn of the 20th century, Nobel Prize laureate Ilya Metchnikov introduced the concept that bacteria in yogurt can support the neutralization of gut pathogens, which may, in turn, …