“Havana Syndrome,” named for the microwave targeting of US Embassy employees in Havana, Cuba first reported in 2016, has been defined by the National Academy of Sciences as resulting from pulsed microwave energy directed at the brain. Attorney Ana Toledo discusses the expansion of these …
Faith Over Fear – 07.09.24 – Emergency Preparedness
Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD & Major Mike Gary Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD & Major Mike Gary
Enter your Question below. Our Panel of Experts will review your question, and if in their realm of expertise, will answer as quickly as practical. For Questions of a Life Threatening or Immediate nature you should contact your Primary Cary Physician or call 911!
Hypogonadism in Men Consuming Sustained-Action Opioids
2002, Harry W. Daniell Conclusions: Commonly prescribed opioids in sustained-action dosage forms usually produce subnormal sex hormone levels, which may contribute to a diminished quality of life for many patients with painful chronic illness. Read here Daniell HW. Hypogonadism in men consuming sustained-action oral opioids. …
Obesity is Strongly Linked to Low Testosterone Levels in Men
by Dr. E. Lee Vliet, MD Obesity is strongly linked to low testosterone levels in menThis summary gives an overview of four research papers which discuss the link between obesity and low testosterone levels (also known as hypogonadism): one review focusing on the association between …
Prevalence of hypogonadism in males aged at least 45 years: the HIM study
Conclusions: Based on total testosterone (TT) concentration, the prevalence of hypogonadism in men reporting to primary care offices was estimated to be 38.7%. The medical conditions that occurred significantly more frequently among hypogonadal men than eugonadal men included increased BMI, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, and asthma …
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD on Bioidentical Hormones
Get the Straight Truth with Dr. Vliet April 2009, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD(~ 8 min, YouTube) Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD – Bioidentical Hormones